Friday, October 15, 2004

career ain't fair

Hey dan: some decisions include where I'm going to work after school. That has been my main focus for the past few weeks. I shouldn't talk too about my job search because past, current, and possible future employers have a tendency to check this site to see what I have to say about them.

Anyway, I had an interview with National Instruments yesterday. As you recall, they're based in Austin, Texas. It was a different interview than what I'm used to. It was different because my interviewer spent a lot of time writing things down as I was talking. Therefore, there wasn't much eye contact. He also asked behavioral questions as well. I haven't heard those in a while. It went OK, so we'll see what happens. By the way, National Instruments specializes in Computer based test automation for scientists and engineers.

Today, I went to check out the ATI job fair. When I pulled up to the building, I saw a line that wrapped around the building. Everyone is decked out in their prom-gear. The long line reminded me of American Idol auditions...but if I waited in line, I doubt I'd get any TV time and I doubt my career would last less than 15 minutes. In the end, I decided to opt out of the job fair. ATI seems like a good place to work. I got an offer from them last term, but I turned them down, like Microsoft, for Amazon. Perhaps ATI and I aren't meant to be.

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