Tuesday, October 5, 2004

not the greatest of days

It started out ok. The only bad thing was that it had to start at 7AM after 3 hours sleep.

I had an 8:30AM Circuit lab this morning. I breezed through it with 2 hours to spare. It's not an astronomical feat, but a decent one to start the day. I then proceeded to the real-time lab to finish my assignment. I got some help from some peers, but the help was slightly mis-information. I'm sure they didn't mean it, but it set me on the wrong course for a while.

After a few hours, I managed to tackle the problems. I was happy, but sad that it took so long.

Today, however, made me realize that I'm still a lost soul in circuits. I'll have to work incredibly hard to get by, but I'm willing to take on the challenge.

I also taught a new dance in hip hop today. It didn't go particularly well. It was the first time in a long time I felt like crap teaching. I'm not a fan of those pop-star moves, so I wanted to do a more hard-core dance. It was a combination of drastically different styles and my faults as a teacher that made today's experience one to forget. I've had more than enough low moments in my life so picking myself up is no problem.

An interesting thing happened yesterday during my information system management class. I wasn't paying attention in class because i was working on another assigment. The teacher said, "we had some excellent ideas and proposals for the term project", then she read MINE out. Weird.

Anyway, it's thanksgiving weekend, so we must remember that we all have to bear incredible hardships, but we are absolutely blessed in so many more ways. I've been neglecting this site quite a bit, but I'm thankful that you all still come here to check out what's going on with my life. I promise to try to keep it more updated from now on.

On a final note, a massive happy belated birthday to Dy's dad! You're the man!

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