Tuesday, October 12, 2004


I have a lot decisions to make this month. By Halloween, I should have a clearer picture of my future.

In other news, my sincerest condolences to the Reeve family. Many of you know that I am a huge Superman fan and Christopher Reeve was the best superman. He did so much after he was paralyzed and that should indicate to us that we're capable of super-human feats without the super powers.

I don't know where I pulled "anonymous hippopatumus" out of.

I have an interview with National Instruments on Friday. They're based in Austin, Texas, but the interview is in Waterloo. I'm not sure what to expect, but there's an info session today. And if you go to waterloo, info session = free meal. That's a bad way to look at it, but a free meal is always a bonus.

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