Thursday, December 16, 2004


Timothy must have donated an obscene amount of money or something. That's my guess.

Sorry your firefox is crashing on you. I'm guessing you're using the latest version? Thanks for supporting the browswe though!

The reason I like firefox is:
  • Tabbed browsing: multiple windows are too messy
  • Extensibility: free extensions like Weather, adblock, and the ability to write my own extensions
  • security: I'm sick of installing patches that require me to restart my computer and using a browser that's a constant target

L: you're site has Microsoft specific javascript code, but it still looks good to me. There are a few sites that are still like that. My guess is that people have to start designing sites for browsers other than IE. Even Netscape is coming out with a new one. Netscape is a little different now. They're using 2 different engines to render pages: IE and firefox (gecko). So I guess you have the best and worst of both worlds.
I've restarted development on this site. I'm not saying it will be finished soon, because I'm basically rewriting this site from scratch. The codebase is 2.5 years old now and it will claim it's retirement fund before 3.
I'll be making my brief return to Toronto in 5 days, but I have 3 exams before that. Hopefully I'm sane by that time.

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