Monday, December 6, 2004

Re: My concert

As I said earlier, I went to Lawrence's concert. He's part of a Catholic music band called Critical Mass. The event was part of a fund raising project for a church. Here's a pic from where I was sitting:

Here's a pic of lawrence after the show...lifting the keyboard with ease:

Here's lawrence and Jeff Wong, another SMC alumuni.

Finally, here's Big L doing the customary autograph for a big fan. Quick Fact: Lawrence learned to read before kindergarten, but he still holds a pen like he's in kindergarten.

I enjoyed the show. It's not exactly my kind of music, but I was entertained. Lawrence looked like he was into it, so did the lead vocalist...although the lead sounded a little raw...perhaps too much singing? The lead vocalist pocketed my favourite syrup, Buckley's. So I'm guessing he's not 100%.

Highlight of the night would have to be "O Come Emmanuel"...not because Emmanuel is my middle name, but because it was slow, I like songs where the bass line drives the melody, and I understood the words. This brings me to my one criticism. I couldn't understand any of the lyrics to any of the songs. I think I heard "Jesus" here and "pray" somewhere, but those words could have easily been "heathen" and "spray". For Christian music, the lyrics are 90% of the performance. We're not talking about Reggae where lyrics don't matter since they probably don't make sense anyway. Oh but I'd like to hear some Catholic Reggae.

So I couldn't understand and so they started to look like a good sounding rock band. I was going to buy the CD after, but vintage me, I didn't have cash. I'm a bad target if you want to rob me of cash.

I had a good time though and I'm proud of L and his crew. They've got a superstar, non-stop scehdule so I hope they come out sane.

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