Wednesday, December 29, 2004

I'm too lazy to put a subject

Drink 8 x 8 glasses of water each day

Take Vitamin? B5 (pantothenic acid) 50 mg 3 x a day . It is an anti-stress vitamin that is involved in healthy cellular reproduction. It is a fact that deficiencies of it in the body have been linked to acne.?

Take Zinc 30-80 mg a day (no more). It aids in healing tissue and helps prevent scarring. Helps regulate oil producing glands.

Take Garlic or eat it! Garlic strengthens the immune system and destroys harmful bacteria and some toxins.

Take Vitamin C 3,000 mg a day in 2 doses. It has anti-inflammatory properties as well as immune function support.

Eat fish! or take Essential Fatty Acids to supply the skin with gamma linolenic acid that is needed to keep skin soft, repair damage and help dissolve fatty deposits in the skin pores. Be careful of Sushi, as the nori wrap contains huge doses of iodine, which is irritating to pores as it is excreted through the skin.

Avoid products with mineral oil, petroleum, waxes, tallowates, fragrances

Change you pillow case every 2-3 days

Avoid greasy hair pomades or gels ( can get on your skin at night while you sleep or aggravate scalp, hairline.)

Wash your cell phone or house phone with alcohol or anti-bac soap often

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