Wednesday, December 1, 2004

happy Birthday Dave!

A massive happy birthday goes out to Dave Paek, my sister, Eileen's, bf.

Your gift will come after exams, Dave...sorry for the delay

If you haven't noticed, there have been some interesting posts in the guestbook. I'm glad those comments are going there than here.

I have two more classes and one tutorial left in this term. I wouldn't say this term flew by. It was more like a walk through sludge.

I took my grad pictures today...bright and early at 8:20AM. I'm usually quite pale in the morning, so I wouldn't be suprised if I look like a ghost.

I asked the photographer why everyone looks like a stiff board in their pictures, particularly males. He said that most people don't know how to pose for headshots and males have a tendency to look effeminate.

Since I have exams till the 22nd, Christmas shopping may happen later than expected.

In response to some previous posts in the guestbook:

My sister, Melissa, is not my twin. I never heard that one before.

Someone doesn't understand this site. I'll let she/he figure it out...and i'm not gay.

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