Monday, January 31, 2005
Thanks Ray, didn't get to talk to you much, but you showing up so early this morning said it all. Thank you thank you thank you. It's gonna be a crazy two weeks.
Thanks Ray, didn't get to talk to you much, but you showing up so early this morning said it all. Thank you thank you thank you. It's gonna be a crazy two weeks.
Sunday, January 30, 2005
Superskillz was ok at best...
The crowd was significantly smaller than previous years...
this was prolly due to poor organization and promotion...
mc's were too funny though...too funny...
fuck man...
The crowd was significantly smaller than previous years...
this was prolly due to poor organization and promotion...
mc's were too funny though...too funny...
fuck man...
Superskillz was ok at best...
The crowd was significantly smaller than previous years...
this was prolly due to poor organization and promotion...
mc's were too funny though...too funny...
fuck man...
The crowd was significantly smaller than previous years...
this was prolly due to poor organization and promotion...
mc's were too funny though...too funny...
fuck man...
Saturday, January 29, 2005
CUTC day one
I know this is over a week late and I promised "live pictures", but I've just gotten so behind on some things.
Last week, I went to a conference called the "Canadian Undergraduate Technology Conference" ( It went from Thursday to Saturday, pretty much all day. That meant that I'd miss school and precious homework time. I'm still trying to regain those three days. Anyway, it's my last year as an undergrad so I thought I might as well take the opportunity.
I had a good plan. I wanted to leave from Waterloo Thursday morning after the rush hour traffic and make it to Toronto in time for the first seminar. Just my luck, there's traffic due to accidents and we're stuck bumper to bumper for 30 minutes. My hopes bank on unorganized organizers so they'll start the conference late.
we're (gus,nick,andrew,and eric) officially 35 minutes late and I was supposed to pick up my digi from my mom, but there's no time.
We enter the Holiday Inn and are "greeted" by tired looking univerisity student organizers. We walk over to the sign in table and we meet CUTC's official version of "geeky", "sleepy", and "dopey" dwarf genetically combined. His speech was slurred, one eye half looking at us, the other eye half looking at the laptop in front of him. I ask to sign in. His other half-open eye glazes somewhere close to my vicinity. Something verbal starts to leak out of a droopy mouth, but before I can begin to translate, a more conscious organizer comes and rescues the ominous start.
I did, however, miss the bus that goes to my first stop at CUTC, the Bell Tech Tour. Bell was a big sponsor of CUTC and they wanted to change their image among young techies (more about that later). I have a car so I can just drive to the Bell building, but I need directions. I ask 5 different people for the address and get 5 "I don't know"'s. I really want to go on this tour and all I have is persistence. I finally get the answer I'm looking for and drive my butt down to Queen's Quay.
This is turning out to be a really long entry, so let's get some pictures here.
As I mentioned before, Bell is trying alter what young people think about the company. I think I share the same view as most students. Bell job postings are filtered out of my search in co-op. What do they want me to do? Plug some phone cables, write a silly app for sympatico? I don't think so. The picture above shows some of their applications. They are beginning to offer services such as voicemail email-notification with a sound file attached. That's mildly impressive. They were also touting their "make your own ringtone and upload it to your cell phone" feature. I think they were making way too big a deal out of. In any case, they were starting to change my view of them as more of a technology company. One of the speakers, however, couldn't get the remote to work on the Media Center.
The picture above shows the "Bell living room" complete with a 70" monster plasma worth just over $12K. This display demonstrates their Satellite services. One of the presenters started talking about one of the classic battles which rank near the VI vs EMACS battle: cable vs. DSL. He said cable focuses on throughput while Bell concentrates on quality of service. That's why Cable is faster, but DSL is apparently more reliable. I asked if their choice for quality of service was by technological contraint rather than by free will. He said they could start a bandwidth war and start offering 7Mbit connections, but there isn't any money there. He did admit that state of the art bandwidth for DSL is only 7Mbit while Cable can offer 25Mbit. Of course we won't see those speeds soon, but those are the possibilities.
The picture above shows the "Bell kitchen". There's a pull down TV over the counter which hosts some no name operating system. They also have one of those Internet/TV fridges. These fridges are absolutely absurd to me. No matter how much money I'll have in the future, I'll refuse to buy a fridge with a TV on the door. I'd rather buy a toilet with a lawnmower attached.
The next stop on the tour was an HR meeting. They gave us food and HR made a presentation. They gave the regular Human Resource spiel. You know "go to our website and apply. Even if you don't get an interview, your resume is kept on file and you can still get a job". Once she said that, I raised my hand and called "bullshit". I didn't actually say that, but I said, "I don't believe you. Online applications are the equivalent to a resume black hole." She insisted that people actually search resumes that haven't passed the first round, but I could read from the slight tremor in her voice that I exposed the truth. They also did the "we hire the best". bullshit. That goes for all companies. They don't hire the best, they hire one of the best that applied.
Crap, it seems like I'm hating on Bell. I'm not, it's just easy to point these things out. They have changed my view positively. They fed me lunch and they're in a really nice building...great I'm patronizing....
OK the Bell Tech Tour was over and I think the conference has gotten off to a good start. I arrive a little late for the Keynote speaker from the one and only Bell. The speaker was the Chief Technical Officer of Bell Systems and Technology, Eugene Roman.
He's a great and entertaining speaker and talked mainly about mainstream issues and buzzwords: broadband, multimedia, wireless. Although he discussed the blatantly obvious, it was a very entertaining speech. His main focus, however, was to get us to want to work at Bell. He said something like, "here's $1.6 billion for research, what do you want to do?". Hmmm...Interesting.

The next seminar was by Alan Ganek from IBM about Autonomic computing. Autonomic systems in a biological sense is like the systems that keep you breathing without you noticing. The goal is to apply these kind of systems to computers. The state of the art is still infantile, but Alan discussed designs on all levels, from chip design to middleware to applications. The coolest thing he talked about were microchips which could dynamically rewire themselves. The chips can actually burn new wires into the silicon for reprogramming, configuration. That's cool. The rest, however, was boring. Luckily I was right in the front while my head was bobbing as if I was at a hip hop concert. What's that saying? "Learning by Osmosis"
Next was my favourite part and yours, dinner and show (techshow that is).
The picture above shows Nick on the left and Andrew.
The picture above shows from left to right, Eric, Gus, and Bianca.

This dude above is the man. He looks a little scary in his head shot, but this guy is incredible: Michael Furdyk. He's a year younger than I am, but he started two successful companies at the age of 16 and sold it off before the Internet bubble burst. He appeared on Oprah, CNN, and all that. He's really genuine and wise and was one of the higlights of the conference. Google him to find more about him.
That pretty much ends my day and like Nick, I was tired.
Congrats on makin
g it down to the end...if you didn't skip...
Last week, I went to a conference called the "Canadian Undergraduate Technology Conference" ( It went from Thursday to Saturday, pretty much all day. That meant that I'd miss school and precious homework time. I'm still trying to regain those three days. Anyway, it's my last year as an undergrad so I thought I might as well take the opportunity.
I had a good plan. I wanted to leave from Waterloo Thursday morning after the rush hour traffic and make it to Toronto in time for the first seminar. Just my luck, there's traffic due to accidents and we're stuck bumper to bumper for 30 minutes. My hopes bank on unorganized organizers so they'll start the conference late.
we're (gus,nick,andrew,and eric) officially 35 minutes late and I was supposed to pick up my digi from my mom, but there's no time.
We enter the Holiday Inn and are "greeted" by tired looking univerisity student organizers. We walk over to the sign in table and we meet CUTC's official version of "geeky", "sleepy", and "dopey" dwarf genetically combined. His speech was slurred, one eye half looking at us, the other eye half looking at the laptop in front of him. I ask to sign in. His other half-open eye glazes somewhere close to my vicinity. Something verbal starts to leak out of a droopy mouth, but before I can begin to translate, a more conscious organizer comes and rescues the ominous start.
I did, however, miss the bus that goes to my first stop at CUTC, the Bell Tech Tour. Bell was a big sponsor of CUTC and they wanted to change their image among young techies (more about that later). I have a car so I can just drive to the Bell building, but I need directions. I ask 5 different people for the address and get 5 "I don't know"'s. I really want to go on this tour and all I have is persistence. I finally get the answer I'm looking for and drive my butt down to Queen's Quay.
This is turning out to be a really long entry, so let's get some pictures here.
As I mentioned before, Bell is trying alter what young people think about the company. I think I share the same view as most students. Bell job postings are filtered out of my search in co-op. What do they want me to do? Plug some phone cables, write a silly app for sympatico? I don't think so. The picture above shows some of their applications. They are beginning to offer services such as voicemail email-notification with a sound file attached. That's mildly impressive. They were also touting their "make your own ringtone and upload it to your cell phone" feature. I think they were making way too big a deal out of. In any case, they were starting to change my view of them as more of a technology company. One of the speakers, however, couldn't get the remote to work on the Media Center.
The picture above shows the "Bell living room" complete with a 70" monster plasma worth just over $12K. This display demonstrates their Satellite services. One of the presenters started talking about one of the classic battles which rank near the VI vs EMACS battle: cable vs. DSL. He said cable focuses on throughput while Bell concentrates on quality of service. That's why Cable is faster, but DSL is apparently more reliable. I asked if their choice for quality of service was by technological contraint rather than by free will. He said they could start a bandwidth war and start offering 7Mbit connections, but there isn't any money there. He did admit that state of the art bandwidth for DSL is only 7Mbit while Cable can offer 25Mbit. Of course we won't see those speeds soon, but those are the possibilities.
The picture above shows the "Bell kitchen". There's a pull down TV over the counter which hosts some no name operating system. They also have one of those Internet/TV fridges. These fridges are absolutely absurd to me. No matter how much money I'll have in the future, I'll refuse to buy a fridge with a TV on the door. I'd rather buy a toilet with a lawnmower attached.
The next stop on the tour was an HR meeting. They gave us food and HR made a presentation. They gave the regular Human Resource spiel. You know "go to our website and apply. Even if you don't get an interview, your resume is kept on file and you can still get a job". Once she said that, I raised my hand and called "bullshit". I didn't actually say that, but I said, "I don't believe you. Online applications are the equivalent to a resume black hole." She insisted that people actually search resumes that haven't passed the first round, but I could read from the slight tremor in her voice that I exposed the truth. They also did the "we hire the best". bullshit. That goes for all companies. They don't hire the best, they hire one of the best that applied.
Crap, it seems like I'm hating on Bell. I'm not, it's just easy to point these things out. They have changed my view positively. They fed me lunch and they're in a really nice building...great I'm patronizing....
OK the Bell Tech Tour was over and I think the conference has gotten off to a good start. I arrive a little late for the Keynote speaker from the one and only Bell. The speaker was the Chief Technical Officer of Bell Systems and Technology, Eugene Roman.
He's a great and entertaining speaker and talked mainly about mainstream issues and buzzwords: broadband, multimedia, wireless. Although he discussed the blatantly obvious, it was a very entertaining speech. His main focus, however, was to get us to want to work at Bell. He said something like, "here's $1.6 billion for research, what do you want to do?". Hmmm...Interesting.
The next seminar was by Alan Ganek from IBM about Autonomic computing. Autonomic systems in a biological sense is like the systems that keep you breathing without you noticing. The goal is to apply these kind of systems to computers. The state of the art is still infantile, but Alan discussed designs on all levels, from chip design to middleware to applications. The coolest thing he talked about were microchips which could dynamically rewire themselves. The chips can actually burn new wires into the silicon for reprogramming, configuration. That's cool. The rest, however, was boring. Luckily I was right in the front while my head was bobbing as if I was at a hip hop concert. What's that saying? "Learning by Osmosis"
Next was my favourite part and yours, dinner and show (techshow that is).
The picture above shows Nick on the left and Andrew.
The picture above shows from left to right, Eric, Gus, and Bianca.
This dude above is the man. He looks a little scary in his head shot, but this guy is incredible: Michael Furdyk. He's a year younger than I am, but he started two successful companies at the age of 16 and sold it off before the Internet bubble burst. He appeared on Oprah, CNN, and all that. He's really genuine and wise and was one of the higlights of the conference. Google him to find more about him.
That pretty much ends my day and like Nick, I was tired.
Congrats on makin
g it down to the end...if you didn't skip...
CUTC day one
I know this is over a week late and I promised "live pictures", but I've just gotten so behind on some things.
Last week, I went to a conference called the "Canadian Undergraduate Technology Conference" ( It went from Thursday to Saturday, pretty much all day. That meant that I'd miss school and precious homework time. I'm still trying to regain those three days. Anyway, it's my last year as an undergrad so I thought I might as well take the opportunity.
I had a good plan. I wanted to leave from Waterloo Thursday morning after the rush hour traffic and make it to Toronto in time for the first seminar. Just my luck, there's traffic due to accidents and we're stuck bumper to bumper for 30 minutes. My hopes bank on unorganized organizers so they'll start the conference late.
we're (gus,nick,andrew,and eric) officially 35 minutes late and I was supposed to pick up my digi from my mom, but there's no time.
We enter the Holiday Inn and are "greeted" by tired looking univerisity student organizers. We walk over to the sign in table and we meet CUTC's official version of "geeky", "sleepy", and "dopey" dwarf genetically combined. His speech was slurred, one eye half looking at us, the other eye half looking at the laptop in front of him. I ask to sign in. His other half-open eye glazes somewhere close to my vicinity. Something verbal starts to leak out of a droopy mouth, but before I can begin to translate, a more conscious organizer comes and rescues the ominous start.
I did, however, miss the bus that goes to my first stop at CUTC, the Bell Tech Tour. Bell was a big sponsor of CUTC and they wanted to change their image among young techies (more about that later). I have a car so I can just drive to the Bell building, but I need directions. I ask 5 different people for the address and get 5 "I don't know"'s. I really want to go on this tour and all I have is persistence. I finally get the answer I'm looking for and drive my butt down to Queen's Quay.
This is turning out to be a really long entry, so let's get some pictures here.
As I mentioned before, Bell is trying alter what young people think about the company. I think I share the same view as most students. Bell job postings are filtered out of my search in co-op. What do they want me to do? Plug some phone cables, write a silly app for sympatico? I don't think so. The picture above shows some of their applications. They are beginning to offer services such as voicemail email-notification with a sound file attached. That's mildly impressive. They were also touting their "make your own ringtone and upload it to your cell phone" feature. I think they were making way too big a deal out of. In any case, they were starting to change my view of them as more of a technology company. One of the speakers, however, couldn't get the remote to work on the Media Center.
The picture above shows the "Bell living room" complete with a 70" monster plasma worth just over $12K. This display demonstrates their Satellite services. One of the presenters started talking about one of the classic battles which rank near the VI vs EMACS battle: cable vs. DSL. He said cable focuses on throughput while Bell concentrates on quality of service. That's why Cable is faster, but DSL is apparently more reliable. I asked if their choice for quality of service was by technological contraint rather than by free will. He said they could start a bandwidth war and start offering 7Mbit connections, but there isn't any money there. He did admit that state of the art bandwidth for DSL is only 7Mbit while Cable can offer 25Mbit. Of course we won't see those speeds soon, but those are the possibilities.
The picture above shows the "Bell kitchen". There's a pull down TV over the counter which hosts some no name operating system. They also have one of those Internet/TV fridges. These fridges are absolutely absurd to me. No matter how much money I'll have in the future, I'll refuse to buy a fridge with a TV on the door. I'd rather buy a toilet with a lawnmower attached.
The next stop on the tour was an HR meeting. They gave us food and HR made a presentation. They gave the regular Human Resource spiel. You know "go to our website and apply. Even if you don't get an interview, your resume is kept on file and you can still get a job". Once she said that, I raised my hand and called "bullshit". I didn't actually say that, but I said, "I don't believe you. Online applications are the equivalent to a resume black hole." She insisted that people actually search resumes that haven't passed the first round, but I could read from the slight tremor in her voice that I exposed the truth. They also did the "we hire the best". bullshit. That goes for all companies. They don't hire the best, they hire one of the best that applied.
Crap, it seems like I'm hating on Bell. I'm not, it's just easy to point these things out. They have changed my view positively. They fed me lunch and they're in a really nice building...great I'm patronizing....
OK the Bell Tech Tour was over and I think the conference has gotten off to a good start. I arrive a little late for the Keynote speaker from the one and only Bell. The speaker was the Chief Technical Officer of Bell Systems and Technology, Eugene Roman.
He's a great and entertaining speaker and talked mainly about mainstream issues and buzzwords: broadband, multimedia, wireless. Although he discussed the blatantly obvious, it was a very entertaining speech. His main focus, however, was to get us to want to work at Bell. He said something like, "here's $1.6 billion for research, what do you want to do?". Hmmm...Interesting.

The next seminar was by Alan Ganek from IBM about Autonomic computing. Autonomic systems in a biological sense is like the systems that keep you breathing without you noticing. The goal is to apply these kind of systems to computers. The state of the art is still infantile, but Alan discussed designs on all levels, from chip design to middleware to applications. The coolest thing he talked about were microchips which could dynamically rewire themselves. The chips can actually burn new wires into the silicon for reprogramming, configuration. That's cool. The rest, however, was boring. Luckily I was right in the front while my head was bobbing as if I was at a hip hop concert. What's that saying? "Learning by Osmosis"
Next was my favourite part and yours, dinner and show (techshow that is).
The picture above shows Nick on the left and Andrew.
The picture above shows from left to right, Eric, Gus, and Bianca.

This dude above is the man. He looks a little scary in his head shot, but this guy is incredible: Michael Furdyk. He's a year younger than I am, but he started two successful companies at the age of 16 and sold it off before the Internet bubble burst. He appeared on Oprah, CNN, and all that. He's really genuine and wise and was one of the higlights of the conference. Google him to find more about him.
That pretty much ends my day and like Nick, I was tired.
Congrats on makin
g it down to the end...if you didn't skip...
Last week, I went to a conference called the "Canadian Undergraduate Technology Conference" ( It went from Thursday to Saturday, pretty much all day. That meant that I'd miss school and precious homework time. I'm still trying to regain those three days. Anyway, it's my last year as an undergrad so I thought I might as well take the opportunity.
I had a good plan. I wanted to leave from Waterloo Thursday morning after the rush hour traffic and make it to Toronto in time for the first seminar. Just my luck, there's traffic due to accidents and we're stuck bumper to bumper for 30 minutes. My hopes bank on unorganized organizers so they'll start the conference late.
we're (gus,nick,andrew,and eric) officially 35 minutes late and I was supposed to pick up my digi from my mom, but there's no time.
We enter the Holiday Inn and are "greeted" by tired looking univerisity student organizers. We walk over to the sign in table and we meet CUTC's official version of "geeky", "sleepy", and "dopey" dwarf genetically combined. His speech was slurred, one eye half looking at us, the other eye half looking at the laptop in front of him. I ask to sign in. His other half-open eye glazes somewhere close to my vicinity. Something verbal starts to leak out of a droopy mouth, but before I can begin to translate, a more conscious organizer comes and rescues the ominous start.
I did, however, miss the bus that goes to my first stop at CUTC, the Bell Tech Tour. Bell was a big sponsor of CUTC and they wanted to change their image among young techies (more about that later). I have a car so I can just drive to the Bell building, but I need directions. I ask 5 different people for the address and get 5 "I don't know"'s. I really want to go on this tour and all I have is persistence. I finally get the answer I'm looking for and drive my butt down to Queen's Quay.
This is turning out to be a really long entry, so let's get some pictures here.
As I mentioned before, Bell is trying alter what young people think about the company. I think I share the same view as most students. Bell job postings are filtered out of my search in co-op. What do they want me to do? Plug some phone cables, write a silly app for sympatico? I don't think so. The picture above shows some of their applications. They are beginning to offer services such as voicemail email-notification with a sound file attached. That's mildly impressive. They were also touting their "make your own ringtone and upload it to your cell phone" feature. I think they were making way too big a deal out of. In any case, they were starting to change my view of them as more of a technology company. One of the speakers, however, couldn't get the remote to work on the Media Center.
The picture above shows the "Bell living room" complete with a 70" monster plasma worth just over $12K. This display demonstrates their Satellite services. One of the presenters started talking about one of the classic battles which rank near the VI vs EMACS battle: cable vs. DSL. He said cable focuses on throughput while Bell concentrates on quality of service. That's why Cable is faster, but DSL is apparently more reliable. I asked if their choice for quality of service was by technological contraint rather than by free will. He said they could start a bandwidth war and start offering 7Mbit connections, but there isn't any money there. He did admit that state of the art bandwidth for DSL is only 7Mbit while Cable can offer 25Mbit. Of course we won't see those speeds soon, but those are the possibilities.
The picture above shows the "Bell kitchen". There's a pull down TV over the counter which hosts some no name operating system. They also have one of those Internet/TV fridges. These fridges are absolutely absurd to me. No matter how much money I'll have in the future, I'll refuse to buy a fridge with a TV on the door. I'd rather buy a toilet with a lawnmower attached.
The next stop on the tour was an HR meeting. They gave us food and HR made a presentation. They gave the regular Human Resource spiel. You know "go to our website and apply. Even if you don't get an interview, your resume is kept on file and you can still get a job". Once she said that, I raised my hand and called "bullshit". I didn't actually say that, but I said, "I don't believe you. Online applications are the equivalent to a resume black hole." She insisted that people actually search resumes that haven't passed the first round, but I could read from the slight tremor in her voice that I exposed the truth. They also did the "we hire the best". bullshit. That goes for all companies. They don't hire the best, they hire one of the best that applied.
Crap, it seems like I'm hating on Bell. I'm not, it's just easy to point these things out. They have changed my view positively. They fed me lunch and they're in a really nice building...great I'm patronizing....
OK the Bell Tech Tour was over and I think the conference has gotten off to a good start. I arrive a little late for the Keynote speaker from the one and only Bell. The speaker was the Chief Technical Officer of Bell Systems and Technology, Eugene Roman.
He's a great and entertaining speaker and talked mainly about mainstream issues and buzzwords: broadband, multimedia, wireless. Although he discussed the blatantly obvious, it was a very entertaining speech. His main focus, however, was to get us to want to work at Bell. He said something like, "here's $1.6 billion for research, what do you want to do?". Hmmm...Interesting.
The next seminar was by Alan Ganek from IBM about Autonomic computing. Autonomic systems in a biological sense is like the systems that keep you breathing without you noticing. The goal is to apply these kind of systems to computers. The state of the art is still infantile, but Alan discussed designs on all levels, from chip design to middleware to applications. The coolest thing he talked about were microchips which could dynamically rewire themselves. The chips can actually burn new wires into the silicon for reprogramming, configuration. That's cool. The rest, however, was boring. Luckily I was right in the front while my head was bobbing as if I was at a hip hop concert. What's that saying? "Learning by Osmosis"
Next was my favourite part and yours, dinner and show (techshow that is).
The picture above shows Nick on the left and Andrew.
The picture above shows from left to right, Eric, Gus, and Bianca.
This dude above is the man. He looks a little scary in his head shot, but this guy is incredible: Michael Furdyk. He's a year younger than I am, but he started two successful companies at the age of 16 and sold it off before the Internet bubble burst. He appeared on Oprah, CNN, and all that. He's really genuine and wise and was one of the higlights of the conference. Google him to find more about him.
That pretty much ends my day and like Nick, I was tired.
Congrats on makin
g it down to the end...if you didn't skip...
Wednesday, January 26, 2005
Since I didn't have any time to do work during the 3 day conference last week, I'm behind in work and working as hard as I can to catch up.
Again, my weather bar says "Fair, -30o". I don't see the logic.
I also was listening to Kelly Rowland's album yesterday. If you don't know, that's the girl from Destiny's child who's not Beyonce. I know the album is old, but it's pretty wack at the same time. It has that cheesy R&B "I love you, you don't love me" kinda feel. It's just as annoying as those cheesy rap albums about bling and booty.
Again, my weather bar says "Fair, -30o". I don't see the logic.
I also was listening to Kelly Rowland's album yesterday. If you don't know, that's the girl from Destiny's child who's not Beyonce. I know the album is old, but it's pretty wack at the same time. It has that cheesy R&B "I love you, you don't love me" kinda feel. It's just as annoying as those cheesy rap albums about bling and booty.
Since I didn't have any time to do work during the 3 day conference last week, I'm behind in work and working as hard as I can to catch up.
Again, my weather bar says "Fair, -30o". I don't see the logic.
I also was listening to Kelly Rowland's album yesterday. If you don't know, that's the girl from Destiny's child who's not Beyonce. I know the album is old, but it's pretty wack at the same time. It has that cheesy R&B "I love you, you don't love me" kinda feel. It's just as annoying as those cheesy rap albums about bling and booty.
Again, my weather bar says "Fair, -30o". I don't see the logic.
I also was listening to Kelly Rowland's album yesterday. If you don't know, that's the girl from Destiny's child who's not Beyonce. I know the album is old, but it's pretty wack at the same time. It has that cheesy R&B "I love you, you don't love me" kinda feel. It's just as annoying as those cheesy rap albums about bling and booty.
Monday, January 24, 2005
It will make 2 instead of one
Why bother L? I mean, don't you want an easy college life? Hey, I'll vote but think about it twice.
Students first
Lawerence (L) is running for Waterloo's version of a Student Council. If you go to Waterloo, please support his running team, "Students First". I like the approach. Below is a message from him:
Hey all,
Some of you may know this already, but some of you don't. I am planning to run for VP-Internal for the Federation of Students for the 2005-2006 year. The election takes place on Feburary 15-17 but the election campaign itself starts February 1. I expect the next three weeks to be very challenging and intense as I prepare for the campaign and hit the campaign trail itself. I am running on a ticket with E.J. Hunt (President), Carmen Lam (VP-Administration and Finance) and Bobby Naini (VP-Education). Our team name is "Students First" because we feel that FEDS has been drifting in the direction as being of a separate body that likes to impose policy on students and student groups, so we want to reverse that direction and keep in mind that our job is to serve students, not policy (students come first, get it?)
The monumental task of running a successful campaign is nearly impossible as a solo effort. This is why I'm writing to ask if you would be able to spare a few hours during the pre-campaign period and during the campaign period itself to help my team in our campaign. We need people to help make buttons, make banners, help give out hot chocolate, attend forums, put up posters, etc.
If you can help me out, go to and fill out the online form there. Also, we will be having a Volunteer Sign-up meeting Tuesday night (Jan 25) at 9:30 pm in the SLC Multipurpose Room, it would be great if you could come out and sign out some volunteering shifts.
Thanks so much for your help,
It will make 2 instead of one
Why bother L? I mean, don't you want an easy college life? Hey, I'll vote but think about it twice.
Students first
Lawerence (L) is running for Waterloo's version of a Student Council. If you go to Waterloo, please support his running team, "Students First". I like the approach. Below is a message from him:
Hey all,
Some of you may know this already, but some of you don't. I am planning to run for VP-Internal for the Federation of Students for the 2005-2006 year. The election takes place on Feburary 15-17 but the election campaign itself starts February 1. I expect the next three weeks to be very challenging and intense as I prepare for the campaign and hit the campaign trail itself. I am running on a ticket with E.J. Hunt (President), Carmen Lam (VP-Administration and Finance) and Bobby Naini (VP-Education). Our team name is "Students First" because we feel that FEDS has been drifting in the direction as being of a separate body that likes to impose policy on students and student groups, so we want to reverse that direction and keep in mind that our job is to serve students, not policy (students come first, get it?)
The monumental task of running a successful campaign is nearly impossible as a solo effort. This is why I'm writing to ask if you would be able to spare a few hours during the pre-campaign period and during the campaign period itself to help my team in our campaign. We need people to help make buttons, make banners, help give out hot chocolate, attend forums, put up posters, etc.
If you can help me out, go to and fill out the online form there. Also, we will be having a Volunteer Sign-up meeting Tuesday night (Jan 25) at 9:30 pm in the SLC Multipurpose Room, it would be great if you could come out and sign out some volunteering shifts.
Thanks so much for your help,
Sunday, January 23, 2005
Yeah I promised "live" pictures from the conference, but their wireless connection was soooo slow and unreliable that it was not worth it. Besides, our schedules were practically filled to the brim.
I will be posting my reviews and pictures from each day...
I will be posting my reviews and pictures from each day...
Yeah I promised "live" pictures from the conference, but their wireless connection was soooo slow and unreliable that it was not worth it. Besides, our schedules were practically filled to the brim.
I will be posting my reviews and pictures from each day...
I will be posting my reviews and pictures from each day...
Saturday, January 22, 2005
Wednesday, January 19, 2005
strike two
Hey L, I missed your birthday and the 4th year engineering symposium. I knew when I was walking home yesterday afternoon I was forgetting something.
Sorry dude! Hope it went well
Today, I'm missing out on class and going to the Canadian Undergraduate Technology Conference ( It's in downtown Toronto, so I'll be home for the weekend. It should be exciting and I'll try to post live pics. So check back here later today
p.s. Profs must read
Sorry dude! Hope it went well
Today, I'm missing out on class and going to the Canadian Undergraduate Technology Conference ( It's in downtown Toronto, so I'll be home for the weekend. It should be exciting and I'll try to post live pics. So check back here later today
p.s. Profs must read
Profs reading the web site?
I get quite a few hits from where _____ is a site like pilot8 or biochem or something like that, as opposed to rn*. or auth*.
so i figure .. some profs do read our sites. lolz! =)
so i figure .. some profs do read our sites. lolz! =)
strike two
Hey L, I missed your birthday and the 4th year engineering symposium. I knew when I was walking home yesterday afternoon I was forgetting something.
Sorry dude! Hope it went well
Today, I'm missing out on class and going to the Canadian Undergraduate Technology Conference ( It's in downtown Toronto, so I'll be home for the weekend. It should be exciting and I'll try to post live pics. So check back here later today
p.s. Profs must read
Sorry dude! Hope it went well
Today, I'm missing out on class and going to the Canadian Undergraduate Technology Conference ( It's in downtown Toronto, so I'll be home for the weekend. It should be exciting and I'll try to post live pics. So check back here later today
p.s. Profs must read
Profs reading the web site?
I get quite a few hits from where _____ is a site like pilot8 or biochem or something like that, as opposed to rn*. or auth*.
so i figure .. some profs do read our sites. lolz! =)
so i figure .. some profs do read our sites. lolz! =)
Monday, January 17, 2005
Hi L!
this is no harassment, but why would you post your website here if you don't want people to go there. You sound inviting, hehehe.
bay da wey, did u here us harassing Ray?
bay da wey, did u here us harassing Ray?
My update
You never know who might be reading the page...after all smelly feet guy found your post ;)
Yep. You never know who's gonna come to your website. I've temporarily disabled comments and guestbook posting on my website temporarily just in case anyone tries to harass me in the coming month. The upcoming FEDS election is going to be a wild ride.
Also...My project's Symposium is in DC tomorrow (Wednesday). We have 5 robots. 2 of them blew up and the 3rd has problems reading its own memory. Our seminar presentation is at 11 am. I think in DC 1302 but I'm not sure.
I don't think you ever told me, but Perry shares a birthday with two people I know named LL.
Yep. You never know who's gonna come to your website. I've temporarily disabled comments and guestbook posting on my website temporarily just in case anyone tries to harass me in the coming month. The upcoming FEDS election is going to be a wild ride.
Also...My project's Symposium is in DC tomorrow (Wednesday). We have 5 robots. 2 of them blew up and the 3rd has problems reading its own memory. Our seminar presentation is at 11 am. I think in DC 1302 but I'm not sure.
I don't think you ever told me, but Perry shares a birthday with two people I know named LL.
School so far
School has been pretty much the same deal as before. I like my classes a lot more though. Each class is interesting unlike terms before where I'd have one or two really bad ones.
My biggest disappointment, however, would have to be in Graphics. My teacher has a tendency to change the pace of his speech rapidly mid-sentence. Annoyingly enough, he accelerates during important parts such as: "In your assignment, make sure you use the asdfsdfad instead of the aiyieyrer". He also uses "um" and "ok" a lot.
I can't switch instructors because of my other class, Cryptography. The instructor for that class is rookie Teacher's Assistant turned Instructor. Most times, it feels like another student is teaching the class.
In any case, the content is keeping those courses above water. Writing this makes me think of that article from CNET which talked about people bashing their colleagues on their websites and their colleagues finding out. I strongly doubt my instructors would read my webpage though.
My biggest disappointment, however, would have to be in Graphics. My teacher has a tendency to change the pace of his speech rapidly mid-sentence. Annoyingly enough, he accelerates during important parts such as: "In your assignment, make sure you use the asdfsdfad instead of the aiyieyrer". He also uses "um" and "ok" a lot.
I can't switch instructors because of my other class, Cryptography. The instructor for that class is rookie Teacher's Assistant turned Instructor. Most times, it feels like another student is teaching the class.
In any case, the content is keeping those courses above water. Writing this makes me think of that article from CNET which talked about people bashing their colleagues on their websites and their colleagues finding out. I strongly doubt my instructors would read my webpage though.
Hi L!
this is no harassment, but why would you post your website here if you don't want people to go there. You sound inviting, hehehe.
bay da wey, did u here us harassing Ray?
bay da wey, did u here us harassing Ray?
My update
You never know who might be reading the page...after all smelly feet guy found your post ;)
Yep. You never know who's gonna come to your website. I've temporarily disabled comments and guestbook posting on my website temporarily just in case anyone tries to harass me in the coming month. The upcoming FEDS election is going to be a wild ride.
Also...My project's Symposium is in DC tomorrow (Wednesday). We have 5 robots. 2 of them blew up and the 3rd has problems reading its own memory. Our seminar presentation is at 11 am. I think in DC 1302 but I'm not sure.
I don't think you ever told me, but Perry shares a birthday with two people I know named LL.
Yep. You never know who's gonna come to your website. I've temporarily disabled comments and guestbook posting on my website temporarily just in case anyone tries to harass me in the coming month. The upcoming FEDS election is going to be a wild ride.
Also...My project's Symposium is in DC tomorrow (Wednesday). We have 5 robots. 2 of them blew up and the 3rd has problems reading its own memory. Our seminar presentation is at 11 am. I think in DC 1302 but I'm not sure.
I don't think you ever told me, but Perry shares a birthday with two people I know named LL.
School so far
School has been pretty much the same deal as before. I like my classes a lot more though. Each class is interesting unlike terms before where I'd have one or two really bad ones.
My biggest disappointment, however, would have to be in Graphics. My teacher has a tendency to change the pace of his speech rapidly mid-sentence. Annoyingly enough, he accelerates during important parts such as: "In your assignment, make sure you use the asdfsdfad instead of the aiyieyrer". He also uses "um" and "ok" a lot.
I can't switch instructors because of my other class, Cryptography. The instructor for that class is rookie Teacher's Assistant turned Instructor. Most times, it feels like another student is teaching the class.
In any case, the content is keeping those courses above water. Writing this makes me think of that article from CNET which talked about people bashing their colleagues on their websites and their colleagues finding out. I strongly doubt my instructors would read my webpage though.
My biggest disappointment, however, would have to be in Graphics. My teacher has a tendency to change the pace of his speech rapidly mid-sentence. Annoyingly enough, he accelerates during important parts such as: "In your assignment, make sure you use the asdfsdfad instead of the aiyieyrer". He also uses "um" and "ok" a lot.
I can't switch instructors because of my other class, Cryptography. The instructor for that class is rookie Teacher's Assistant turned Instructor. Most times, it feels like another student is teaching the class.
In any case, the content is keeping those courses above water. Writing this makes me think of that article from CNET which talked about people bashing their colleagues on their websites and their colleagues finding out. I strongly doubt my instructors would read my webpage though.
Friday, January 14, 2005
belated anniversary
On the 14th, Dy and I "celebrated" our 6 year, 6 month anniversary. I know what you're thinking...that's pretty long, when are you going to stop counting? It's like mcdonald's numbers. In any case, we weren't together since I'm here in waterloo and she's in toronto....
Also on the 14th, my bestfriend from age 2-8, Perry, also had a birthday. Unfortunately, I haven't talked to him since he was 8! It's quite unfortunate. In the minute possibility he goes to this site, Happy birthday dude!
I was thinking about pop music lately. I was wondering what the next wave of pop culture music will be. I've been thinking about this for a while. It was even asked to me in a Microsoft interview for a marketing job.
My feeling is that this hip hop movement has reached its peak. Pop culture is becoming saturated with mediocre talents and that usually indicates a downward trend. That means there's money to be made if you can find or foster talents and ride the next wave up. What will it be?
Also on the 14th, my bestfriend from age 2-8, Perry, also had a birthday. Unfortunately, I haven't talked to him since he was 8! It's quite unfortunate. In the minute possibility he goes to this site, Happy birthday dude!
I was thinking about pop music lately. I was wondering what the next wave of pop culture music will be. I've been thinking about this for a while. It was even asked to me in a Microsoft interview for a marketing job.
My feeling is that this hip hop movement has reached its peak. Pop culture is becoming saturated with mediocre talents and that usually indicates a downward trend. That means there's money to be made if you can find or foster talents and ride the next wave up. What will it be?
Knaked Truth!!!
C'mon Knaked this is your chance to tell Brent how much you like him. Raptors game, remember? How come you can't take your eyes off him.I was there Bro watchin' you!!!
belated anniversary
On the 14th, Dy and I "celebrated" our 6 year, 6 month anniversary. I know what you're thinking...that's pretty long, when are you going to stop counting? It's like mcdonald's numbers. In any case, we weren't together since I'm here in waterloo and she's in toronto....
Also on the 14th, my bestfriend from age 2-8, Perry, also had a birthday. Unfortunately, I haven't talked to him since he was 8! It's quite unfortunate. In the minute possibility he goes to this site, Happy birthday dude!
I was thinking about pop music lately. I was wondering what the next wave of pop culture music will be. I've been thinking about this for a while. It was even asked to me in a Microsoft interview for a marketing job.
My feeling is that this hip hop movement has reached its peak. Pop culture is becoming saturated with mediocre talents and that usually indicates a downward trend. That means there's money to be made if you can find or foster talents and ride the next wave up. What will it be?
Also on the 14th, my bestfriend from age 2-8, Perry, also had a birthday. Unfortunately, I haven't talked to him since he was 8! It's quite unfortunate. In the minute possibility he goes to this site, Happy birthday dude!
I was thinking about pop music lately. I was wondering what the next wave of pop culture music will be. I've been thinking about this for a while. It was even asked to me in a Microsoft interview for a marketing job.
My feeling is that this hip hop movement has reached its peak. Pop culture is becoming saturated with mediocre talents and that usually indicates a downward trend. That means there's money to be made if you can find or foster talents and ride the next wave up. What will it be?
Knaked Truth!!!
C'mon Knaked this is your chance to tell Brent how much you like him. Raptors game, remember? How come you can't take your eyes off him.I was there Bro watchin' you!!!
Wednesday, January 12, 2005
hippo for breakfast...
I've never beaten up a hippo before...lets dance ass clown...
what do you get when a gay guy beats up a hippo (especially an anonymous one)?...
...hippotightass B...
what do you get when a gay guy beats up a hippo (especially an anonymous one)?...
...hippotightass B...
state of the union
Have you heard the first track of Xzibit's album? The song is called "The state of the union". You can tell it's been edited, but it's very creative. If it were true, I'd think twice about moving to Seattle.
Download it here:
Download it here:
Knaked is both
his in love with Brent, period...People in love gets mad right away. he is thinking about you Knaked.
nore of brent
hi ray,
does brent like to stay in manila? did he like his job there? .... he is skinnier perhaps it is the way it is to be a model...ray, please update us of some stuff from brent. did he compete for manhunt international? i am waiting and thanks a lot. .. by the way,,photographs and memories help you mature as an individual.. cool old photos.
does brent like to stay in manila? did he like his job there? .... he is skinnier perhaps it is the way it is to be a model...ray, please update us of some stuff from brent. did he compete for manhunt international? i am waiting and thanks a lot. .. by the way,,photographs and memories help you mature as an individual.. cool old photos.
hippo for breakfast...
I've never beaten up a hippo before...lets dance ass clown...
what do you get when a gay guy beats up a hippo (especially an anonymous one)?...
...hippotightass B...
what do you get when a gay guy beats up a hippo (especially an anonymous one)?...
...hippotightass B...
state of the union
Have you heard the first track of Xzibit's album? The song is called "The state of the union". You can tell it's been edited, but it's very creative. If it were true, I'd think twice about moving to Seattle.
Download it here:
Download it here:
Knaked is both
his in love with Brent, period...People in love gets mad right away. he is thinking about you Knaked.
nore of brent
hi ray,
does brent like to stay in manila? did he like his job there? .... he is skinnier perhaps it is the way it is to be a model...ray, please update us of some stuff from brent. did he compete for manhunt international? i am waiting and thanks a lot. .. by the way,,photographs and memories help you mature as an individual.. cool old photos.
does brent like to stay in manila? did he like his job there? .... he is skinnier perhaps it is the way it is to be a model...ray, please update us of some stuff from brent. did he compete for manhunt international? i am waiting and thanks a lot. .. by the way,,photographs and memories help you mature as an individual.. cool old photos.
Tuesday, January 11, 2005
those theives stole everything!!!....
they even took parts of my body in the pic below!!!
they even took parts of my body in the pic below!!!
I was organizing my pictures today because I wanted to back them up. I came upon some (relatively) old school pictures. Check them out:

Geoff(Knaked) on the left, me on the right for one of our first auditions.

From left to right: Kuaz, Geoff, BooM, me, Spittz at one of our first auditions.

Perhaps one of the most classic 5th Element pictures in history. This is the garage where we recorded our first mixtape: Kryptonite-tite.

I think this is Dy and I's second summer together. This was at BJ's suprise party downtown and it was a long time ago

From left to right: me, BooM, Glen(!), and Geoff. Yes that's little Glen. I know he'll be suprised by this picture.

This is J-Ro and Dy at Thompson park. Thompson park used to be a major hang out for 5th Element. Lots of good times and memories there. Isn't dy cute in this picture?

None of these people are students anymore, but it's kinda crazy looking back and how old we are all getting.
Anyway, I taught my try-it class the other day. I think it went OK. I lost my voice halfway through and I didn't have water. New dancers always have the same problems: any spins in a dance throw them off completely and they have trouble dancing without counts. Been there done that.
If you are a frequent reader, you'll probably realize that stuff gets stolen from me fairly often. It seems I'm theft prone. Because of that, I have started to take extra precautions...especially here in Waterloo.
On New Year's eve, some thiefs broke into the Waterloo residences and stole from 8 rooms. The residences are on a remote location on campus and there's a slim chance that there would be witnesses at 12AM Jan 1 2005. They did, however, show some mercy. In a girl's room, they left a note that read something like: "You girls are cute, so we won't steal from you". Other girls' rooms were broken into and stuff was stolen. Isn't that adding insult to injury? The burglars might as well have left a note saying: "Sorry your not that cute, but I like your laptop!"
Here's the article:
These burglars were probably students too. They translated book smarts into crook smarts. Pathetic.
Geoff(Knaked) on the left, me on the right for one of our first auditions.
From left to right: Kuaz, Geoff, BooM, me, Spittz at one of our first auditions.
Perhaps one of the most classic 5th Element pictures in history. This is the garage where we recorded our first mixtape: Kryptonite-tite.
I think this is Dy and I's second summer together. This was at BJ's suprise party downtown and it was a long time ago
From left to right: me, BooM, Glen(!), and Geoff. Yes that's little Glen. I know he'll be suprised by this picture.
This is J-Ro and Dy at Thompson park. Thompson park used to be a major hang out for 5th Element. Lots of good times and memories there. Isn't dy cute in this picture?
None of these people are students anymore, but it's kinda crazy looking back and how old we are all getting.
Anyway, I taught my try-it class the other day. I think it went OK. I lost my voice halfway through and I didn't have water. New dancers always have the same problems: any spins in a dance throw them off completely and they have trouble dancing without counts. Been there done that.
If you are a frequent reader, you'll probably realize that stuff gets stolen from me fairly often. It seems I'm theft prone. Because of that, I have started to take extra precautions...especially here in Waterloo.
On New Year's eve, some thiefs broke into the Waterloo residences and stole from 8 rooms. The residences are on a remote location on campus and there's a slim chance that there would be witnesses at 12AM Jan 1 2005. They did, however, show some mercy. In a girl's room, they left a note that read something like: "You girls are cute, so we won't steal from you". Other girls' rooms were broken into and stuff was stolen. Isn't that adding insult to injury? The burglars might as well have left a note saying: "Sorry your not that cute, but I like your laptop!"
Here's the article:
These burglars were probably students too. They translated book smarts into crook smarts. Pathetic.
Knaked..this one's for you
I saw you staring at Brent! Do not deny because I was watching you all the time. Are you gay?
those theives stole everything!!!....
they even took parts of my body in the pic below!!!
they even took parts of my body in the pic below!!!
I was organizing my pictures today because I wanted to back them up. I came upon some (relatively) old school pictures. Check them out:

Geoff(Knaked) on the left, me on the right for one of our first auditions.

From left to right: Kuaz, Geoff, BooM, me, Spittz at one of our first auditions.

Perhaps one of the most classic 5th Element pictures in history. This is the garage where we recorded our first mixtape: Kryptonite-tite.

I think this is Dy and I's second summer together. This was at BJ's suprise party downtown and it was a long time ago

From left to right: me, BooM, Glen(!), and Geoff. Yes that's little Glen. I know he'll be suprised by this picture.

This is J-Ro and Dy at Thompson park. Thompson park used to be a major hang out for 5th Element. Lots of good times and memories there. Isn't dy cute in this picture?

None of these people are students anymore, but it's kinda crazy looking back and how old we are all getting.
Anyway, I taught my try-it class the other day. I think it went OK. I lost my voice halfway through and I didn't have water. New dancers always have the same problems: any spins in a dance throw them off completely and they have trouble dancing without counts. Been there done that.
If you are a frequent reader, you'll probably realize that stuff gets stolen from me fairly often. It seems I'm theft prone. Because of that, I have started to take extra precautions...especially here in Waterloo.
On New Year's eve, some thiefs broke into the Waterloo residences and stole from 8 rooms. The residences are on a remote location on campus and there's a slim chance that there would be witnesses at 12AM Jan 1 2005. They did, however, show some mercy. In a girl's room, they left a note that read something like: "You girls are cute, so we won't steal from you". Other girls' rooms were broken into and stuff was stolen. Isn't that adding insult to injury? The burglars might as well have left a note saying: "Sorry your not that cute, but I like your laptop!"
Here's the article:
These burglars were probably students too. They translated book smarts into crook smarts. Pathetic.
Geoff(Knaked) on the left, me on the right for one of our first auditions.
From left to right: Kuaz, Geoff, BooM, me, Spittz at one of our first auditions.
Perhaps one of the most classic 5th Element pictures in history. This is the garage where we recorded our first mixtape: Kryptonite-tite.
I think this is Dy and I's second summer together. This was at BJ's suprise party downtown and it was a long time ago
From left to right: me, BooM, Glen(!), and Geoff. Yes that's little Glen. I know he'll be suprised by this picture.
This is J-Ro and Dy at Thompson park. Thompson park used to be a major hang out for 5th Element. Lots of good times and memories there. Isn't dy cute in this picture?
None of these people are students anymore, but it's kinda crazy looking back and how old we are all getting.
Anyway, I taught my try-it class the other day. I think it went OK. I lost my voice halfway through and I didn't have water. New dancers always have the same problems: any spins in a dance throw them off completely and they have trouble dancing without counts. Been there done that.
If you are a frequent reader, you'll probably realize that stuff gets stolen from me fairly often. It seems I'm theft prone. Because of that, I have started to take extra precautions...especially here in Waterloo.
On New Year's eve, some thiefs broke into the Waterloo residences and stole from 8 rooms. The residences are on a remote location on campus and there's a slim chance that there would be witnesses at 12AM Jan 1 2005. They did, however, show some mercy. In a girl's room, they left a note that read something like: "You girls are cute, so we won't steal from you". Other girls' rooms were broken into and stuff was stolen. Isn't that adding insult to injury? The burglars might as well have left a note saying: "Sorry your not that cute, but I like your laptop!"
Here's the article:
These burglars were probably students too. They translated book smarts into crook smarts. Pathetic.
Knaked..this one's for you
I saw you staring at Brent! Do not deny because I was watching you all the time. Are you gay?
Sunday, January 9, 2005
oh yeah...
I saw Brent at the Raptor game i went to last Friday...
I worked too damn hard for them to lose!!!
The raptor girls did Vybe choreography that night...
and Paola threw shirts directly in our was handed to glen...the other was thrown at myself...but i wasn't paying attention...i'm such a dumbass...
fun times...
i call it "link night" a shirt...too bad T.O. couldn't get linked with a W
ps...CB4 is the man...
I worked too damn hard for them to lose!!!
The raptor girls did Vybe choreography that night...
and Paola threw shirts directly in our was handed to glen...the other was thrown at myself...but i wasn't paying attention...i'm such a dumbass...
fun times...
i call it "link night" a shirt...too bad T.O. couldn't get linked with a W
ps...CB4 is the man...
Re: s
Hey s,
Brent was in town for Christmas, but I only got to chill with him on my birthday. He's pretty much the same dude I've always known...except skinnier.
Thanks for reminding me to update this site. My computer went crazy so I'm rebulding some stuff. I'll update pictures today or tomorrow.
I'm currently in the Waterloo graphics lab. It's nice in here. Quiet...dark...and nice computers.
Tonight, I have a "Try-it" hip hop class. Basically, people get to try out my workshop before they commit to it. We'll see how it goes...
I've also started on some interesting extracurricular projects. Hopefully they'll turnout OK...
Brent was in town for Christmas, but I only got to chill with him on my birthday. He's pretty much the same dude I've always known...except skinnier.
Thanks for reminding me to update this site. My computer went crazy so I'm rebulding some stuff. I'll update pictures today or tomorrow.
I'm currently in the Waterloo graphics lab. It's nice in here. Quiet...dark...and nice computers.
Tonight, I have a "Try-it" hip hop class. Basically, people get to try out my workshop before they commit to it. We'll see how it goes...
I've also started on some interesting extracurricular projects. Hopefully they'll turnout OK...
Dear s,
let's play a game...
pick a friend that lives in another country and is visiting a city that you do not currently live in...
got one? good...
how's he/she doing?
yours truly,
beef starter aka SER FUR (ray u dun know u dis is!!!)
let's play a game...
pick a friend that lives in another country and is visiting a city that you do not currently live in...
got one? good...
how's he/she doing?
yours truly,
beef starter aka SER FUR (ray u dun know u dis is!!!)
hi ray, how's brent doing? is he enjoying his holiday in Toronto? please keep us updated with your happenings during the holidays. we would really appreciate it. thanks in advance. you are so cool!!
oh yeah...
I saw Brent at the Raptor game i went to last Friday...
I worked too damn hard for them to lose!!!
The raptor girls did Vybe choreography that night...
and Paola threw shirts directly in our was handed to glen...the other was thrown at myself...but i wasn't paying attention...i'm such a dumbass...
fun times...
i call it "link night" a shirt...too bad T.O. couldn't get linked with a W
ps...CB4 is the man...
I worked too damn hard for them to lose!!!
The raptor girls did Vybe choreography that night...
and Paola threw shirts directly in our was handed to glen...the other was thrown at myself...but i wasn't paying attention...i'm such a dumbass...
fun times...
i call it "link night" a shirt...too bad T.O. couldn't get linked with a W
ps...CB4 is the man...
Re: s
Hey s,
Brent was in town for Christmas, but I only got to chill with him on my birthday. He's pretty much the same dude I've always known...except skinnier.
Thanks for reminding me to update this site. My computer went crazy so I'm rebulding some stuff. I'll update pictures today or tomorrow.
I'm currently in the Waterloo graphics lab. It's nice in here. Quiet...dark...and nice computers.
Tonight, I have a "Try-it" hip hop class. Basically, people get to try out my workshop before they commit to it. We'll see how it goes...
I've also started on some interesting extracurricular projects. Hopefully they'll turnout OK...
Brent was in town for Christmas, but I only got to chill with him on my birthday. He's pretty much the same dude I've always known...except skinnier.
Thanks for reminding me to update this site. My computer went crazy so I'm rebulding some stuff. I'll update pictures today or tomorrow.
I'm currently in the Waterloo graphics lab. It's nice in here. Quiet...dark...and nice computers.
Tonight, I have a "Try-it" hip hop class. Basically, people get to try out my workshop before they commit to it. We'll see how it goes...
I've also started on some interesting extracurricular projects. Hopefully they'll turnout OK...
Dear s,
let's play a game...
pick a friend that lives in another country and is visiting a city that you do not currently live in...
got one? good...
how's he/she doing?
yours truly,
beef starter aka SER FUR (ray u dun know u dis is!!!)
let's play a game...
pick a friend that lives in another country and is visiting a city that you do not currently live in...
got one? good...
how's he/she doing?
yours truly,
beef starter aka SER FUR (ray u dun know u dis is!!!)
hi ray, how's brent doing? is he enjoying his holiday in Toronto? please keep us updated with your happenings during the holidays. we would really appreciate it. thanks in advance. you are so cool!!
Thursday, January 6, 2005
Yearbook Quote
You could always just repeat your High School quote...
The sad thing about this write-up business is that in a way it is as if we are writing the inscription on our tombstones. Take any yearbook from any year and look at the grads and their quotes. What do you see? Pure no-names right? A lot of those people are unknown to you unless they are your relatives our are famous in one way or another. I don't want my picture to simply be a memory and my blab I'm writing now to be the last that YOU hear from me. Give me a few years for my life to start cooking and when I'm ripe, you can ask for my autograph under this picture or at least recognize who I am. For you I haven't thanked...don't worry I'll mention you when it counts.
The sad thing about this write-up business is that in a way it is as if we are writing the inscription on our tombstones. Take any yearbook from any year and look at the grads and their quotes. What do you see? Pure no-names right? A lot of those people are unknown to you unless they are your relatives our are famous in one way or another. I don't want my picture to simply be a memory and my blab I'm writing now to be the last that YOU hear from me. Give me a few years for my life to start cooking and when I'm ripe, you can ask for my autograph under this picture or at least recognize who I am. For you I haven't thanked...don't worry I'll mention you when it counts.
Resort available
Hey. Our resort in florida is available for the march break! This place is incredible, but unfortunately, I cannot make it this year due to school.
Check out some pics and ask questions through the form here:
Check out some pics and ask questions through the form here:
don't forget to donate
Have you donated yet?
Teaching is a possiblity, but the drive/commute is the pain.
I have to come up with a yearbook quote and I'm having trouble thinking about ideas. What do you think I should write in my yearbook?
Teaching is a possiblity, but the drive/commute is the pain.
I have to come up with a yearbook quote and I'm having trouble thinking about ideas. What do you think I should write in my yearbook?
Yearbook Quote
You could always just repeat your High School quote...
The sad thing about this write-up business is that in a way it is as if we are writing the inscription on our tombstones. Take any yearbook from any year and look at the grads and their quotes. What do you see? Pure no-names right? A lot of those people are unknown to you unless they are your relatives our are famous in one way or another. I don't want my picture to simply be a memory and my blab I'm writing now to be the last that YOU hear from me. Give me a few years for my life to start cooking and when I'm ripe, you can ask for my autograph under this picture or at least recognize who I am. For you I haven't thanked...don't worry I'll mention you when it counts.
The sad thing about this write-up business is that in a way it is as if we are writing the inscription on our tombstones. Take any yearbook from any year and look at the grads and their quotes. What do you see? Pure no-names right? A lot of those people are unknown to you unless they are your relatives our are famous in one way or another. I don't want my picture to simply be a memory and my blab I'm writing now to be the last that YOU hear from me. Give me a few years for my life to start cooking and when I'm ripe, you can ask for my autograph under this picture or at least recognize who I am. For you I haven't thanked...don't worry I'll mention you when it counts.
Resort available
Hey. Our resort in florida is available for the march break! This place is incredible, but unfortunately, I cannot make it this year due to school.
Check out some pics and ask questions through the form here:
Check out some pics and ask questions through the form here:
don't forget to donate
Have you donated yet?
Teaching is a possiblity, but the drive/commute is the pain.
I have to come up with a yearbook quote and I'm having trouble thinking about ideas. What do you think I should write in my yearbook?
Teaching is a possiblity, but the drive/commute is the pain.
I have to come up with a yearbook quote and I'm having trouble thinking about ideas. What do you think I should write in my yearbook?
Tuesday, January 4, 2005
Wanna teach Breakdance for Vybe and U of T in the summer?
I don't wanna teach breaking anymore...
I don't wanna teach breaking anymore...
1st Day of class
Thanks gail for the complement. I don't hear that often. I'm flattered ... I also have a girlfriend.
Thanks L for the link to Bustos. I'm listening to it now.
I had my first full day of school yesterday. For those interested in Computer Science, I'm taking Cryptography, Computer Graphics, Computer Architecture, and Distributed Systems. I'm glad I'm done with the engineering courses and this term looks to be the most interesting of all of my terms.
I'm teaching a Breakdance workshop this month and I'm still doing my 10 week hip hop workshop. Apart from that, I'm also looking for a part-time job for the summer before I move. I'm looking to find something different...perhaps retail?
Thanks L for the link to Bustos. I'm listening to it now.
I had my first full day of school yesterday. For those interested in Computer Science, I'm taking Cryptography, Computer Graphics, Computer Architecture, and Distributed Systems. I'm glad I'm done with the engineering courses and this term looks to be the most interesting of all of my terms.
I'm teaching a Breakdance workshop this month and I'm still doing my 10 week hip hop workshop. Apart from that, I'm also looking for a part-time job for the summer before I move. I'm looking to find something different...perhaps retail?
Wanna teach Breakdance for Vybe and U of T in the summer?
I don't wanna teach breaking anymore...
I don't wanna teach breaking anymore...
1st Day of class
Thanks gail for the complement. I don't hear that often. I'm flattered ... I also have a girlfriend.
Thanks L for the link to Bustos. I'm listening to it now.
I had my first full day of school yesterday. For those interested in Computer Science, I'm taking Cryptography, Computer Graphics, Computer Architecture, and Distributed Systems. I'm glad I'm done with the engineering courses and this term looks to be the most interesting of all of my terms.
I'm teaching a Breakdance workshop this month and I'm still doing my 10 week hip hop workshop. Apart from that, I'm also looking for a part-time job for the summer before I move. I'm looking to find something different...perhaps retail?
Thanks L for the link to Bustos. I'm listening to it now.
I had my first full day of school yesterday. For those interested in Computer Science, I'm taking Cryptography, Computer Graphics, Computer Architecture, and Distributed Systems. I'm glad I'm done with the engineering courses and this term looks to be the most interesting of all of my terms.
I'm teaching a Breakdance workshop this month and I'm still doing my 10 week hip hop workshop. Apart from that, I'm also looking for a part-time job for the summer before I move. I'm looking to find something different...perhaps retail?
Monday, January 3, 2005
Sunday, January 2, 2005
Re: Tsunami Relief Funds
Thanks bernice for posting these.
I'll post some online links so it will be easier to donate.
I'm moving my butt back to Waterloo. The holiday was nice, the food was too good, but nothing beats the company of family and friends.
I'll post some online links so it will be easier to donate.
I'm moving my butt back to Waterloo. The holiday was nice, the food was too good, but nothing beats the company of family and friends.
Re: Tsunami Relief Funds
Thanks bernice for posting these.
I'll post some online links so it will be easier to donate.
I'm moving my butt back to Waterloo. The holiday was nice, the food was too good, but nothing beats the company of family and friends.
I'll post some online links so it will be easier to donate.
I'm moving my butt back to Waterloo. The holiday was nice, the food was too good, but nothing beats the company of family and friends.
Saturday, January 1, 2005
Tsunami Relief Funds
Canadian Red Cross
(or donate through your local Red Cross office)
2200 Yonge St., Suite 1100
Toronto, Ont. M4S 2C6
Oxfam Canada
Asian Earthquake/Floods Relief, Oxfam Canada
200-215 Spadina Avenue
Toronto, Ont. M5T 2C7
World Vision Canada
CARE Canada
M?decins Sans Fronti?res
1-800 982-7903
Foster Parents Plan
Canadian Relief Organization for Peace in Sri Lanka
Indonesian Embassy in Ottawa
Tsunami relief fund
ICNA Relief
Canadian Tamil Congress
Canadian Catholic Organization for Development and Peace
Christian Children?s Fund
Mennonite Central Committee
Salvation Army
Donation line: 1-800-725-2769
Links taken from the CBC website
(or donate through your local Red Cross office)
2200 Yonge St., Suite 1100
Toronto, Ont. M4S 2C6
Oxfam Canada
Asian Earthquake/Floods Relief, Oxfam Canada
200-215 Spadina Avenue
Toronto, Ont. M5T 2C7
World Vision Canada
CARE Canada
M?decins Sans Fronti?res
1-800 982-7903
Foster Parents Plan
Canadian Relief Organization for Peace in Sri Lanka
Indonesian Embassy in Ottawa
Tsunami relief fund
ICNA Relief
Canadian Tamil Congress
Canadian Catholic Organization for Development and Peace
Christian Children?s Fund
Mennonite Central Committee
Salvation Army
Donation line: 1-800-725-2769
Links taken from the CBC website
Tsunami Relief Funds
Canadian Red Cross
(or donate through your local Red Cross office)
2200 Yonge St., Suite 1100
Toronto, Ont. M4S 2C6
Oxfam Canada
Asian Earthquake/Floods Relief, Oxfam Canada
200-215 Spadina Avenue
Toronto, Ont. M5T 2C7
World Vision Canada
CARE Canada
M?decins Sans Fronti?res
1-800 982-7903
Foster Parents Plan
Canadian Relief Organization for Peace in Sri Lanka
Indonesian Embassy in Ottawa
Tsunami relief fund
ICNA Relief
Canadian Tamil Congress
Canadian Catholic Organization for Development and Peace
Christian Children?s Fund
Mennonite Central Committee
Salvation Army
Donation line: 1-800-725-2769
Links taken from the CBC website
(or donate through your local Red Cross office)
2200 Yonge St., Suite 1100
Toronto, Ont. M4S 2C6
Oxfam Canada
Asian Earthquake/Floods Relief, Oxfam Canada
200-215 Spadina Avenue
Toronto, Ont. M5T 2C7
World Vision Canada
CARE Canada
M?decins Sans Fronti?res
1-800 982-7903
Foster Parents Plan
Canadian Relief Organization for Peace in Sri Lanka
Indonesian Embassy in Ottawa
Tsunami relief fund
ICNA Relief
Canadian Tamil Congress
Canadian Catholic Organization for Development and Peace
Christian Children?s Fund
Mennonite Central Committee
Salvation Army
Donation line: 1-800-725-2769
Links taken from the CBC website
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