Monday, January 17, 2005

School so far

School has been pretty much the same deal as before. I like my classes a lot more though. Each class is interesting unlike terms before where I'd have one or two really bad ones.

My biggest disappointment, however, would have to be in Graphics. My teacher has a tendency to change the pace of his speech rapidly mid-sentence. Annoyingly enough, he accelerates during important parts such as: "In your assignment, make sure you use the asdfsdfad instead of the aiyieyrer". He also uses "um" and "ok" a lot.

I can't switch instructors because of my other class, Cryptography. The instructor for that class is rookie Teacher's Assistant turned Instructor. Most times, it feels like another student is teaching the class.

In any case, the content is keeping those courses above water. Writing this makes me think of that article from CNET which talked about people bashing their colleagues on their websites and their colleagues finding out. I strongly doubt my instructors would read my webpage though.

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