Monday, January 24, 2005

Students first

Lawerence (L) is running for Waterloo's version of a Student Council. If you go to Waterloo, please support his running team, "Students First". I like the approach. Below is a message from him:
Hey all,

Some of you may know this already, but some of you don't. I am planning to run for VP-Internal for the Federation of Students for the 2005-2006 year. The election takes place on Feburary 15-17 but the election campaign itself starts February 1. I expect the next three weeks to be very challenging and intense as I prepare for the campaign and hit the campaign trail itself. I am running on a ticket with E.J. Hunt (President), Carmen Lam (VP-Administration and Finance) and Bobby Naini (VP-Education). Our team name is "Students First" because we feel that FEDS has been drifting in the direction as being of a separate body that likes to impose policy on students and student groups, so we want to reverse that direction and keep in mind that our job is to serve students, not policy (students come first, get it?)

The monumental task of running a successful campaign is nearly impossible as a solo effort. This is why I'm writing to ask if you would be able to spare a few hours during the pre-campaign period and during the campaign period itself to help my team in our campaign. We need people to help make buttons, make banners, help give out hot chocolate, attend forums, put up posters, etc.

If you can help me out, go to and fill out the online form there. Also, we will be having a Volunteer Sign-up meeting Tuesday night (Jan 25) at 9:30 pm in the SLC Multipurpose Room, it would be great if you could come out and sign out some volunteering shifts.

Thanks so much for your help,


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