Tuesday, April 12, 2005

2 down

I just finished my Cryptography Final. I think it went OK. I still have two more exams to go, but I already signed up for the UW Alumni group. Perhaps that's pretentious, but I have enough marks to graduate without the finals.

My days at Waterloo are numbered. Although I'm excited to get the heck out of this city, I'm having that same feeling I had when I was down to my last few exams in high school. I'll miss it in a weird way, but I'm ready to close that chapter and move on. I have to find a word that describes it.

When I close a chapter, I'll have to start a new one. The odd thing is that new chapter includes Physio therapy. I've had hip flexor problems for over a year due to overuse and not stretching. So I think I'll be starting treatment next week.

In other news, I got an email from Mikey Bustos. You probably remember him from Canadian Idol. He, along with a few other friends, has been the center of hot topics at this website. Anyway, he's having a CD release party. Here are the details:

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