Wednesday, April 13, 2005

Por Mi Amigo

You are the one who helped me,
Through my darkest, hardest days,
You are the one who made me happy,
In so many different ways.
You are the one I trusted,
Trusted with my life.
You are the one.

You are the one who showed me,
What life was worth living for.
You are the one who knew me,
Unlike anyone knew me before.
You are the one who made me smile,
Each and every day.
You are the one.

You are the one who touched my heart,
And made me feel good again.
You are the one that made me laugh,
And took away my fears.
With you by my side I was invincible.

But now Ur moving on,
Ur moving far away.
There isn't anything i can do to make u stay.
I love u oh so much,
Ur the best friend I've ever had.
I can't stop feeling down and sad.

All i know is that Ur the best thing,
That ever came into my world.
And i cant let u leave without telling u this.
I will never forget you,
You'll never leave my mind.
You'll always be in my memories.
I won't leave them behind.
Please don't forget about me,
And all the times we shared,
All the times we looked after each other.
Don't forget how much i truly cared.

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