Monday, April 25, 2005

6 Days A.D

It's been six days since my last exam. I received all of my marks back and I passed. I wasn't really worried about failing, but it's nice that it's almost official. I've heard so much talk from other students about "just passing" that it had me a little worried. Anyway, it's all official on May 24 when marks and degree requirements are sent out.

Anyway, things I've been doing since my last exam:
  • Ballet: Dy volunteered to take some foster kids to see the ballet version of Cinderella. The kids were nice, but the show was not so. I appreciate the dancing, its beauty, and its technical difficulty, but I do not appreciate how the show was put together. Do they really need to spend 5 minutes showing me the stupid shoe? Look a broom! Let's dance for 10 minutes about it. Bottom line, it translated into a 2 hour show. The show is meant for kids. Kids don't have attention spans that long.
  • Niki@District: It was dy's cousin, Niki's, birthday last friday. It was celebrated at District night club, After we found the back alley entrance, we didn't stay for too long.
  • Glen's Birthday: "Check" celebrated a birthday on Saturday in his family's new massive house. There were tons of guests with the usual filipino events: poker, karaoke, and ping pong. We all had a good time and I think Glen enjoyed his bubble wrapped gift from Dy and me.
  • Kuaz's Birthday: Yes another Birthday celebrated at Shoeless Joe's. Lots of people showed up for this one. Every year for his birthday, we usually do an all nighter thing and Kuaz ends up doing knee spins...but this was Sunday night and most have work, so we called it a night relatively early
  • Dave's Birthday: holy crap another one. We didn't directly celebrate his birthday, but we did play basketball in Markham. The unfortunate thing is that tires were slashed on two cars. That was Knaked Knight's last post "slashed". Honestly, these things follow me around. From getting my cars egged, getting my car stereo stolen, both bikes stolen, then this...I'm starting to think someone has it in for me. Someone wants to take away all my means for transportation. In any case, those people are cowards hiding behind pathetic acts. Their future failures are enough payback for me.


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