Saturday, September 24, 2005

Re: Twerp

I might have a closeup picture of Glen as a twig but my computer is still in storage. I'll be in Corporate housing for two more weeks. When I move into my apartment and get my computer back, I'll look for one.

If you guys haven't noticed, I added some Videos

Work has been pretty good lately. I'm busy on my projects and I have a very strong team. The other night, my team had a retrospective meeting. We basically go over the positives and negatives of the past 30 days.It's a different type of meeting in that it's at a bar. Of course, I don't drink, but everyone else does. It was fun to be in a more laid back atmosphere with my teammates and manager. I am enjoying work in Seattle. I miss everyone though, but I'm sure everyone's busy.

I'm working on some features for this site. There's a slim chance I can push them by this weekend.

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