Wednesday, November 20, 2002

Happy Birthday Geoff!

I went to Toronto yesterday to watch the raptor game with some of my friends from Waterloo. It was cool, but they lost on a last second miss by Antonio. That's okay though because it was an entertaining game.

I performed with the Hip hop club on Wednesday for the Accounting Talent show. I never knew accountants had talent. Evidently, they don't. Neither do computer scientists or engineers.

I will be heading back to toronto for the weekend. I'm leaving friday at about noon. I have practice on friday for our show on December 15th. Hopefully we can get some stuff done. I have a lot of studying to do as well. Finals are coming up in 2 weeks exactly. And I just realized that. Damn...

Also, today is a special day. It's the Knaked Knight himself, Geoff Reyes' birthday. Happy bday bro...

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