Sunday, November 3, 2002

Thanks to my visitors

I did a lot of work friday afternoon, then Dy, Mark and Geoff came over friday night. I showed them my place, and we went out to find some grub. We ended up getting some bubble tea and some Pitas. Oh yeah, before that, we dropped by the SLC for breaking practice. We brought the food back to my place and watched some TV. Mark was getting tired of chewing since he stuffed his pita with everything including the stuff that fell on the floor. Geoff finished first and found that one black olive he put in his pita. We got on the bus, and then just chilled out in my room till like 5am.

8am: I wake up somehow because I have a group interview to be a don. It was really hot in the basement because there were four people there. Dy drives me to the interview and I can barely open my eyes. I spend two hours going through all these stations that test your skills at being a don. I wouldn't mind being a don, and I wouldn't mind not being a don. It would be a bonus to be one, but it's definitely not the end of the world if I don't become one. The chances are slim since there are only 4 spots open with 50 applicants.

Anyways, after the interview, I get picked up by Mark, Dy and Geoff and we head to Mel's diner for some breakfast. After waiting in line outside for 15 minutes, we get seated, order and wait 30min for our food. We finish in about 20 min, and it was good food, but the place reminds me of that place in Road Trip.

Man, I have to go to class. I'll continue this later.

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