Wednesday, November 27, 2002

If resumes were made...

up of disappointments, then I'd have a stellar one to show you.

Got a letter today. I won't be a don.
End of the World?
Definitely not

I get to live with my current roommates in the summer, so that should be cool. Apparently, I'm not don material. I don't know exactly what that is, but according to the Waterloo Residence Life Group, I'm not. But hey, that's what life is about: finding who you are and just as important, who you are not.

Over the years, I've found out who I am not (or not going to be):

  • A don

  • A medical doctor

  • A singer

  • An accountant

  • An expert in Graph Theory and History (how ever they relate)

  • technical support

  • A failure

And that's all I can think of right now, but I'm sure there's more. I've tried to become all of those things mentioned in the list except I never tried to become a singer, I just CAN'T sing, and I really never tried to be a failure since failure is just a consequence. I've tried and discovered. I'm sure there will be many more things in my life that I'll try and not like. That does not mean I'm not gonna try things.

I won't be a don and I think I'm making too big a deal out of this by having this long entry. But this rejection has just put some things into perspective.

Onto new things and new experiences....

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