Saturday, November 16, 2002

Who am I?

I haven't been quite myself at times during the past week. It's probably the lack of sleep. Last night, I was dreaming in digital circuits. That's really annoying.

I had my don interview on Thursday. It went okay I think. It was hard to get a feel for how I did because the interviewers spent most of their time writing. I'm not expecting anything.

On the same day(14th) was Dy and I's 4 year and 5month anniversary. Wow

On friday, there was GroundFX 5 at the SLC in Waterloo. We battled Western. The quality of the battle was ok, but we were the better crew. Tripline was there. They were pretty crazy. The battled some of Supernat/drunken monks

doot doot doot...

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