Wednesday, April 21, 2004

On with the show

Thoughts and prayers go out to the Rubiales family. They have lost an important elder member of their family. We can all take comfort in the fact that we are going into the third week of Easter. It allows us to realize that death is not the end....

//----- Ghost Story
My family lost a grand parent as well. During the viewing, everyone was at the funeral. That is no one was at my grand uncle's house. At the same time, flowers were delivered to his house, but no one shouldn't have been home. The delivery man eventually went to the funeral home to deliver the flowers. He told us that he went to the house, but an elderly man answered the door and told him to go to the funeral home. Who knows who that elderly man is.

//--- Miss Mendoza?
I hope you are not offended, but I don't recognize who you are. That's interesting that you remembered that stuff. Back in the day, I was one of the very few who beatboxed. It's so mainstream now and my beatboxing days are long gone...Who are you?

//--- Mr. Brent Javier
I am thinking of providing a web resource featuring the man himself. I'll sell pictures and memorabilia and give the money to charity. I have various things from him like his elementary school uniform tie. Yeah that's elementary, not high school. Whether I am joking or not no one may never know...

//--- Pete Rock
Got a call yesterday from knaked knight. We are going to Pete Rock on monday...woohoo...

//--- 5 sides to a coin
That movie is this weekend. I have to decide whether or not i'm going....

Crap this is too long...

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