Sunday, April 18, 2004

these doritos go straight to my face

My physical activity over the past month have been unusually low. I have been trying to change that in the past few weeks. The weird propery of my body is that the only thing that gets fat is my face. I'm such an odd ball. Maybe if I had more elaborate facial expressions, it wouldn't be so.

// Exams
That exam was in fact rescheduled. I wrote it last night. It was harder than the first one although they said that it would be of the same difficulty. I think I did fairly well. I got stuck on one question and my brain felt toasted two hours in. So I had to take a five minute break.

This fire alarm really screwed up my schedule. Anyway, one more tomorrow then 3B is over with.

// Birthdays
Some peoples' parents were really busy in July. There are lots of peoples' birthdays coming up. I think I missed Ryan Guiang's yesterday. So happy bday to Ryan wherever you are!

OK on with the show...

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