Thursday, February 3, 2005

Future reference point

Apparently, they're developing a flying taxi that should be ready by 2010. By Back to the Future 2 standards, we're supposed to have flying consumer cars by 2015. It sounds like we're close.
I forgot to send out a massive happy birthday to my boy Teo.

Part of my gift for him is going snowboarding with him this weekend. I'm not a huge fan of it, but I'll go just because of him. The timing is iffy since I have hell month in school rolling up. In any case, I'm sure it will be fun.
I haven't been watching basketball lately, but did you see that 360 from Vince? Check it out here

L is halfway through his campaign for VP Internal for Federation of Students at Waterloo. I'm sure he'll do well and I'll support him anyway I can.

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