Tuesday, February 22, 2005

Re: Sex Appeal

Hmm...no response from Lawrence about your propositions. Perhaps it's because he does not know you and you left no picture. Maybe if "jess" is short for Jessica Alba, I'm sure he'll think at least twice. He would probably also look up your number in Paris Hilton's phonebook
I have a graphics midterm today then it's hometime...toronto hometime that is. There are birthdays (my sister's and cousin Justin's) this weekend, a temporary homecoming party for BooM, a going away party for a high school friend named Safety Man, and there's 5th Element things going on as well. Writing this out makes me seem busier than I originally thought. I also have tons of school work and a few dates with Dy on top of all that.

I also got some suprising news today. Considering my luck, I thought it would never happen. Perhaps I'll reveal it when everything is concrete.

Also time is approaching for me to find a summer job. I'm looking something not in software development, but still related to technology and it has to be fun and active. That is, I don't want to be sitting on my butt the whole day. These are weird requirments, but if you have any ideas or offers, post them here.

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