Sunday, February 27, 2005

Video shoot

Geoff (knaked knight), Joe Palma (silence from btx), and I did a video shoot for this media company. Basically, they filmed us breaking for a few hours from different camera angles. It was basically like a filmed practice, but I could never get comfortable. It really felt awkward for me. It wasn't the fact that Dy and Czar were watching, it was more of the two camera dudes. I just think I need to practice more. I've been on hiatus for a really really long time.

Anyway, you may or may not see our moves, faces, or silhouettes on web ads or commercials in the future.
Dan, yeah I have a job with Amazon, but that starts in September. I'm spending the summer in Toronto and I'd like to try something new and not project based.

Massive happy birthdays goes out to my sister, Melissa, and my cousin Justin who is in Japan right now.

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