Monday, February 14, 2005

Re: Hard

My last post did not come out the way I wanted. Even Dy took slight offense. What I meant to say is that relationships are challenging, but the challenges are well worth the reward.
I'm writing my first midterm today in Computer Architecture. Computers are more complicated than you'd like to think. Some of these courses I take reach such a low level detail that no one would seem to think about. I guess that's what separates your local Computer geek from the real computer geek
I also voted for Lawrence today. As you may know, he's running for VP Internal for Waterloo's student government ( I also sent some SPAM to people telling them to vote for him. I also briefly tried hacking the system to see if I could log in a few more votes. I wasn't successful, but I didn't want to try too hard so my ass would get booted out of school. Anyway, good luck L.

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