Sunday, April 3, 2005

PJ2 was my boy

Yeah I've performed in odd places before, but performing for the Pope would be something else.

He was known as the most controversial Pope. I never got the controversial part. Dy and I had a conversation about this a couple of days ago. What's so controversial about not killing babies? Just don't do it. I guess it just makes too much sense to me that I don't see a need for it to be a controversy.

The Pope was one of those few truly eternally present beings. He'll make a huge impact whether or not he is with us. The Pope was the man for all seasons. L has the "Life of the Pope" DVDs that I have yet to watch.

I'm officially finished my undergraduate classes. I handed in all of my assignments and projects and I'm now in exam mode till 9PM April 20th.

After that, I have a few projects to work on(complete with project names....cause every project needs one):
  1. Spotlight(June 18th): I'll be helping with the production and choreography. Coincidentally, this falls on the same date as my graduation. So I'll have to mis the 2PM show and hurry back to make it for the 6PM.
  2. Overdue: This is the total revamping of this website. I'll have two months to finish it so I think that's enough time. The reason for the name is obvious
  3. Roger Rabbit: This summer, I want to work on documenting my life (family and gf too) in an organized way. This is more of a long term project obviously, but I'll be starting it this summer. Why "Roger Rabbit"? What's up doc?

There are a few others and as Dy would say, "don't forget "Project Dy".
It's kind of incredible how family and other people are finding this website (Hi Nat!). This is promising and more reason to get the new version up and running. I do, however, get a little shy about my site. Since I have anonymous posting, things can get really weird. Also, sometimes I can offend people when I'm just making a joke. There's not much I can do about that except that I'll never be a politician. A few more people found out about this site, like people from the Hip Hop club. I dunno though....I think I've written enough for now.

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