He's also white. The event reminded me of a Dave Chappelle episode. Lots of white people who dance and act like the people in the Chappelle show.
Anyway, I arrived too early. I had to endure a long set of mediocre opening acts. They were OK, but I thought it was a little weird seeing a dude perform who looks like one of my professors from Waterloo.
The main event was entertaining, but the opening acts kinda killed the night a bit.
Sage Francis' lyrics were dope and his delivery was tight. Besides that he also joked around a lot. For example, he danced like a dooofus. Right click to download
Also, a dude came to the side of the stage, interrupted Sage, and begged Sage to autograph a sign. The dude was being annoying, so Sage took the sign and ate it. Actually, he just chewed up the sign, drank some water with the sign in his mouth, then spit it back at the dude. It sounds a little harsh, but it was good for the entertainment value.
Near the end of his set, he did a parody song. It was called "I like 99 rappers but Jay-Z ain't one". I took a video with my digi cam. It's horrible quality, but at least it's something.Right click to download
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