I'm leaving for venice tomorrow. I don't really have access to internet here. I'm totaly disconnected.
miss all you dumb asses
Sunday, August 31, 2003
leaving for vienna
I'm leaving for venice tomorrow. I don't really have access to internet here. I'm totaly disconnected.
miss all you dumb asses
I'm leaving for venice tomorrow. I don't really have access to internet here. I'm totaly disconnected.
miss all you dumb asses
Wednesday, August 27, 2003
last week...
I can't believe summer is almost over. Where did it go? By the way, does anyone know when later is?
last week...
I can't believe summer is almost over. Where did it go? By the way, does anyone know when later is?
Tuesday, August 26, 2003
Hi everyone,
I'm in Vienna right now. I'm staying with the Ambassador's house. It's nice, huge, and I'm having a good time.
I arrived in Munich Saturday morning and stayed there for 2 nights. Then I went to Salzburg for one night.
Now I'm in Vienna. More details and pics to follow.
I'm in Vienna right now. I'm staying with the Ambassador's house. It's nice, huge, and I'm having a good time.
I arrived in Munich Saturday morning and stayed there for 2 nights. Then I went to Salzburg for one night.
Now I'm in Vienna. More details and pics to follow.
Hi everyone,
I'm in Vienna right now. I'm staying with the Ambassador's house. It's nice, huge, and I'm having a good time.
I arrived in Munich Saturday morning and stayed there for 2 nights. Then I went to Salzburg for one night.
Now I'm in Vienna. More details and pics to follow.
I'm in Vienna right now. I'm staying with the Ambassador's house. It's nice, huge, and I'm having a good time.
I arrived in Munich Saturday morning and stayed there for 2 nights. Then I went to Salzburg for one night.
Now I'm in Vienna. More details and pics to follow.
Saturday, August 23, 2003
My very own creation!
Just noticed the Convert Line Breaks thing there.
I've been working hard the past week on my best friend's new website cuz he's going away to Hong Kong tomorrow ='(.
Check it out here
I've been working hard the past week on my best friend's new website cuz he's going away to Hong Kong tomorrow ='(.
Check it out here
in europe now
Hi i'm in munich now. My blackberry is not working so i can't post any messages. i will get back to you soon.
lawrence said the email function is not working. i don't know, i posted my last message by email.
miss u all. it's nice here.
lawrence said the email function is not working. i don't know, i posted my last message by email.
miss u all. it's nice here.
My very own creation!
Just noticed the Convert Line Breaks thing there.
I've been working hard the past week on my best friend's new website cuz he's going away to Hong Kong tomorrow ='(.
Check it out here
I've been working hard the past week on my best friend's new website cuz he's going away to Hong Kong tomorrow ='(.
Check it out here
in europe now
Hi i'm in munich now. My blackberry is not working so i can't post any messages. i will get back to you soon.
lawrence said the email function is not working. i don't know, i posted my last message by email.
miss u all. it's nice here.
lawrence said the email function is not working. i don't know, i posted my last message by email.
miss u all. it's nice here.
Thursday, August 21, 2003
All aboard
Yeah cne was pretty good. I actually got to enjoy it this year. I walked =
around with dy and sometimes my parents. Everything seems the same =
there. I watched rising star too. I didn't see any though.=20
These 9 days I got to spend in toronto were good. My goal was to see and =
chill with the people I haven't seen in a while. I got to see most of =
them. I got to see carla and her baby for the first time. You can see =
some of the pictures at raym.ca/Media/Pics/Friends/kaya. I think that's =
right. It was nice seeing her and her chubby half white kid.=20
I'm in the airport right now. I want to say thanks to our house sitters. =
I expect to have lots of fun. I will miss everyone. Hopefully I can stay =
healthy. I notice when I go home, my family spoils me because I'm never =
home. Too much ice cream and too much good food.=20
I went to the dentist. Ouch man. My dentist likes to thoroughly clean =
Anyways, I hope my blackberry works in europe. If so, expect a lot of =
Till next time.=20
:;:Raymond Mendoza
around with dy and sometimes my parents. Everything seems the same =
there. I watched rising star too. I didn't see any though.=20
These 9 days I got to spend in toronto were good. My goal was to see and =
chill with the people I haven't seen in a while. I got to see most of =
them. I got to see carla and her baby for the first time. You can see =
some of the pictures at raym.ca/Media/Pics/Friends/kaya. I think that's =
right. It was nice seeing her and her chubby half white kid.=20
I'm in the airport right now. I want to say thanks to our house sitters. =
I expect to have lots of fun. I will miss everyone. Hopefully I can stay =
healthy. I notice when I go home, my family spoils me because I'm never =
home. Too much ice cream and too much good food.=20
I went to the dentist. Ouch man. My dentist likes to thoroughly clean =
Anyways, I hope my blackberry works in europe. If so, expect a lot of =
Till next time.=20
:;:Raymond Mendoza
All aboard
Yeah cne was pretty good. I actually got to enjoy it this year. I walked =
around with dy and sometimes my parents. Everything seems the same =
there. I watched rising star too. I didn't see any though.=20
These 9 days I got to spend in toronto were good. My goal was to see and =
chill with the people I haven't seen in a while. I got to see most of =
them. I got to see carla and her baby for the first time. You can see =
some of the pictures at raym.ca/Media/Pics/Friends/kaya. I think that's =
right. It was nice seeing her and her chubby half white kid.=20
I'm in the airport right now. I want to say thanks to our house sitters. =
I expect to have lots of fun. I will miss everyone. Hopefully I can stay =
healthy. I notice when I go home, my family spoils me because I'm never =
home. Too much ice cream and too much good food.=20
I went to the dentist. Ouch man. My dentist likes to thoroughly clean =
Anyways, I hope my blackberry works in europe. If so, expect a lot of =
Till next time.=20
:;:Raymond Mendoza
around with dy and sometimes my parents. Everything seems the same =
there. I watched rising star too. I didn't see any though.=20
These 9 days I got to spend in toronto were good. My goal was to see and =
chill with the people I haven't seen in a while. I got to see most of =
them. I got to see carla and her baby for the first time. You can see =
some of the pictures at raym.ca/Media/Pics/Friends/kaya. I think that's =
right. It was nice seeing her and her chubby half white kid.=20
I'm in the airport right now. I want to say thanks to our house sitters. =
I expect to have lots of fun. I will miss everyone. Hopefully I can stay =
healthy. I notice when I go home, my family spoils me because I'm never =
home. Too much ice cream and too much good food.=20
I went to the dentist. Ouch man. My dentist likes to thoroughly clean =
Anyways, I hope my blackberry works in europe. If so, expect a lot of =
Till next time.=20
:;:Raymond Mendoza
Wednesday, August 20, 2003
failed mission...
It's a shame Ray failed at the attempted breast collision...that woulda been great...
failed mission...
It's a shame Ray failed at the attempted breast collision...that woulda been great...
Tuesday, August 19, 2003
Monday, August 18, 2003
The new feature
You can now post to raym.ca via email.
Just send messages to journal@_NO_SPAM!_raym.ca
[remove the "_NO_SPAM!_"]
The subject will be the subject, the body of the message will be the body.
That's all!
The reason, if you don't know, why I put _NO_SPAM!_ is because their are web spiders that scan web pages for email addresses for spam.
This mail sent through www.mywaterloo.ca
Just send messages to journal@_NO_SPAM!_raym.ca
[remove the "_NO_SPAM!_"]
The subject will be the subject, the body of the message will be the body.
That's all!
The reason, if you don't know, why I put _NO_SPAM!_ is because their are web spiders that scan web pages for email addresses for spam.
This mail sent through www.mywaterloo.ca
i think it's really working
I'm posting via email so it will be easier for me to post entries while
i'm gone
i'm gone
Weston Art in the Park
So Ray, when are we going to chill? You're leaving in 3 days right? Booo...
That means you're going to miss out on this Saturday. Mikey and I are going to be performing at Little Avenue Memorial Park (Lawrence and Weston Rd). This is Mikey's first public apperance after Canadian Idol and I think it's my first time in public.
More details here
That means you're going to miss out on this Saturday. Mikey and I are going to be performing at Little Avenue Memorial Park (Lawrence and Weston Rd). This is Mikey's first public apperance after Canadian Idol and I think it's my first time in public.
More details here
The picnic went well. Stupid me, I forgot to take pictures. Oh well. J-ro, Gail, Kuaz, Di2, Teo, Leen, Nick, Fres, Geoff, Czar, Dy, and Tina were there. Teo did most of the cooking as usual, everyone brought something to cook or eat. Thanks to them.
Dy has exams. I need to see a movie. Geez. I haven't seen one since matrix. I also chilled with Anna yesterday.
It was Laura and Mike's bday yesterday. Happy belated.
I'm working on my website now. I finally setup my development server with PHP/MySql and replicated the databases at home. You won't see any changes before until the school term starts though. You may see some feature changes though.
Gotta run some errands.
Dy has exams. I need to see a movie. Geez. I haven't seen one since matrix. I also chilled with Anna yesterday.
It was Laura and Mike's bday yesterday. Happy belated.
I'm working on my website now. I finally setup my development server with PHP/MySql and replicated the databases at home. You won't see any changes before until the school term starts though. You may see some feature changes though.
Gotta run some errands.
The new feature
You can now post to raym.ca via email.
Just send messages to journal@_NO_SPAM!_raym.ca
[remove the "_NO_SPAM!_"]
The subject will be the subject, the body of the message will be the body.
That's all!
The reason, if you don't know, why I put _NO_SPAM!_ is because their are web spiders that scan web pages for email addresses for spam.
This mail sent through www.mywaterloo.ca
Just send messages to journal@_NO_SPAM!_raym.ca
[remove the "_NO_SPAM!_"]
The subject will be the subject, the body of the message will be the body.
That's all!
The reason, if you don't know, why I put _NO_SPAM!_ is because their are web spiders that scan web pages for email addresses for spam.
This mail sent through www.mywaterloo.ca
i think it's really working
I'm posting via email so it will be easier for me to post entries while
i'm gone
i'm gone
Weston Art in the Park
So Ray, when are we going to chill? You're leaving in 3 days right? Booo...
That means you're going to miss out on this Saturday. Mikey and I are going to be performing at Little Avenue Memorial Park (Lawrence and Weston Rd). This is Mikey's first public apperance after Canadian Idol and I think it's my first time in public.
More details here
That means you're going to miss out on this Saturday. Mikey and I are going to be performing at Little Avenue Memorial Park (Lawrence and Weston Rd). This is Mikey's first public apperance after Canadian Idol and I think it's my first time in public.
More details here
The picnic went well. Stupid me, I forgot to take pictures. Oh well. J-ro, Gail, Kuaz, Di2, Teo, Leen, Nick, Fres, Geoff, Czar, Dy, and Tina were there. Teo did most of the cooking as usual, everyone brought something to cook or eat. Thanks to them.
Dy has exams. I need to see a movie. Geez. I haven't seen one since matrix. I also chilled with Anna yesterday.
It was Laura and Mike's bday yesterday. Happy belated.
I'm working on my website now. I finally setup my development server with PHP/MySql and replicated the databases at home. You won't see any changes before until the school term starts though. You may see some feature changes though.
Gotta run some errands.
Dy has exams. I need to see a movie. Geez. I haven't seen one since matrix. I also chilled with Anna yesterday.
It was Laura and Mike's bday yesterday. Happy belated.
I'm working on my website now. I finally setup my development server with PHP/MySql and replicated the databases at home. You won't see any changes before until the school term starts though. You may see some feature changes though.
Gotta run some errands.
Sunday, August 17, 2003
2 Fast
Bustos' run on CI has come to an end. Summer is quickly running to an end - again. Seems like only last week that both of these things had just begun. I'm quickly losing my youth and I don't like it one bit. Summers don't seem as "fun" as they used to be. *sigh*
2 Fast
Bustos' run on CI has come to an end. Summer is quickly running to an end - again. Seems like only last week that both of these things had just begun. I'm quickly losing my youth and I don't like it one bit. Summers don't seem as "fun" as they used to be. *sigh*
Friday, August 15, 2003
5th element picnic
I'm having a picnic at my house today. It's kinda late notice, but if any one wants to go, you can come.
5th element picnic
I'm having a picnic at my house today. It's kinda late notice, but if any one wants to go, you can come.
Thursday, August 14, 2003
September Sucks!
I'm definitely not looking forward to September, I wish August would just last forever. September means more than just school starting...time flies when you're having fun.
black out
So I moved out on Wednesday. I noticed that I have so much stuff. How did I accumulate so much stuff? It's like I move my life around every 4 months. Good thing my dad was there to help me.
My dad taught me or reminded me of a few things the other day: sometimes you can't rush or force hings and just let things come to you. I was rushing to get things done or waiting for things to happen, but I can't do that all the time. Sometimes, I just don't have control over everything.
On another note, yesterday was Dy and I's 5 year 2 month anniversary. Happy happy
The power went out last night at 4:30pm. It's still out. I'm typing as fast as I can on my laptop. According to my dad, bad things happen to Canada like SARS, Mad Cow, West Nile, etc. because we accept GAY marriages here. I like the theory. Hence the power goes out. We just spent out time BBQing outside, talking, and stuff. It was cool. Again, another thing happens that shows how much we take for granted. Dy joked that I would be useless in a world without electricity. Maybe so. Then I hit her in the head with a beach ball. Take that! hehe so childish.
It's weird how the radio person can be so cold because they have to be professional. "Canada's first Doctor has fallen victim to SARS, Nestor Yanga". She said it soo cold. It really hurt when I first heard that. Dr. Yanga is a family friend and please remember him in all your prayers.
My dad taught me or reminded me of a few things the other day: sometimes you can't rush or force hings and just let things come to you. I was rushing to get things done or waiting for things to happen, but I can't do that all the time. Sometimes, I just don't have control over everything.
On another note, yesterday was Dy and I's 5 year 2 month anniversary. Happy happy
The power went out last night at 4:30pm. It's still out. I'm typing as fast as I can on my laptop. According to my dad, bad things happen to Canada like SARS, Mad Cow, West Nile, etc. because we accept GAY marriages here. I like the theory. Hence the power goes out. We just spent out time BBQing outside, talking, and stuff. It was cool. Again, another thing happens that shows how much we take for granted. Dy joked that I would be useless in a world without electricity. Maybe so. Then I hit her in the head with a beach ball. Take that! hehe so childish.
It's weird how the radio person can be so cold because they have to be professional. "Canada's first Doctor has fallen victim to SARS, Nestor Yanga". She said it soo cold. It really hurt when I first heard that. Dr. Yanga is a family friend and please remember him in all your prayers.
September Sucks!
I'm definitely not looking forward to September, I wish August would just last forever. September means more than just school starting...time flies when you're having fun.
black out
So I moved out on Wednesday. I noticed that I have so much stuff. How did I accumulate so much stuff? It's like I move my life around every 4 months. Good thing my dad was there to help me.
My dad taught me or reminded me of a few things the other day: sometimes you can't rush or force hings and just let things come to you. I was rushing to get things done or waiting for things to happen, but I can't do that all the time. Sometimes, I just don't have control over everything.
On another note, yesterday was Dy and I's 5 year 2 month anniversary. Happy happy
The power went out last night at 4:30pm. It's still out. I'm typing as fast as I can on my laptop. According to my dad, bad things happen to Canada like SARS, Mad Cow, West Nile, etc. because we accept GAY marriages here. I like the theory. Hence the power goes out. We just spent out time BBQing outside, talking, and stuff. It was cool. Again, another thing happens that shows how much we take for granted. Dy joked that I would be useless in a world without electricity. Maybe so. Then I hit her in the head with a beach ball. Take that! hehe so childish.
It's weird how the radio person can be so cold because they have to be professional. "Canada's first Doctor has fallen victim to SARS, Nestor Yanga". She said it soo cold. It really hurt when I first heard that. Dr. Yanga is a family friend and please remember him in all your prayers.
My dad taught me or reminded me of a few things the other day: sometimes you can't rush or force hings and just let things come to you. I was rushing to get things done or waiting for things to happen, but I can't do that all the time. Sometimes, I just don't have control over everything.
On another note, yesterday was Dy and I's 5 year 2 month anniversary. Happy happy
The power went out last night at 4:30pm. It's still out. I'm typing as fast as I can on my laptop. According to my dad, bad things happen to Canada like SARS, Mad Cow, West Nile, etc. because we accept GAY marriages here. I like the theory. Hence the power goes out. We just spent out time BBQing outside, talking, and stuff. It was cool. Again, another thing happens that shows how much we take for granted. Dy joked that I would be useless in a world without electricity. Maybe so. Then I hit her in the head with a beach ball. Take that! hehe so childish.
It's weird how the radio person can be so cold because they have to be professional. "Canada's first Doctor has fallen victim to SARS, Nestor Yanga". She said it soo cold. It really hurt when I first heard that. Dr. Yanga is a family friend and please remember him in all your prayers.
Tuesday, August 12, 2003
Monday, August 11, 2003
the bustos run has ended (prematurely)
What's sad is the people have short term memories. They will forget Mikey Bustos. Another bad thing is that if Bustos gets signed, he can't release his album until well after the top 2 or whatever release theirs. At least that's what I understand from the previous idols. My personal favourite, Tamyra Gray, still hasn't released her album and she was on the original American Idol. Good thing this competition is over in a month. CI has lost a controversial character with some serious talent.
I was glad to see Mikey bow out like that. He was genuine, graceful, and a gentleman. It was more like the bustos I remember. He entered the competition like that and left it like that. I just wished he showed more of that in the middle.
He made me a fan. Congratulations to him and Lawrence. It's sad to see him go, but now he can move on with his career. With the right guidance, he will be able to take his music career farther than any one else in the competition.
I was glad to see Mikey bow out like that. He was genuine, graceful, and a gentleman. It was more like the bustos I remember. He entered the competition like that and left it like that. I just wished he showed more of that in the middle.
He made me a fan. Congratulations to him and Lawrence. It's sad to see him go, but now he can move on with his career. With the right guidance, he will be able to take his music career farther than any one else in the competition.
And this concludes 3a
So I'm done a full-time term. It was the most academically boring terms. I like 2 out of 5 courses: Digital Computers and Numerical Computation. The other three made me a have narcolepsy.
I'm officially alone here in my suite in residence. The rest of the time I think I'll pack, work on my site, exercise somehow, and rest. That should fill up my time before bedtime.
Sorry I have nothing interesting to say.
I'm officially alone here in my suite in residence. The rest of the time I think I'll pack, work on my site, exercise somehow, and rest. That should fill up my time before bedtime.
Sorry I have nothing interesting to say.
Last one at 2pm today. Jo and Lawrence are out of residence. Dave is soon to follow, then me. I'm turning into redo website mode. I have a concept for my new website that is a little different. It will look a lot different from this one, although the page format will be the same. I'm wondering if I should go through with it. I think it would be kinda cool. I have a demo of it running at home. I guess I'll work on that after my exam. I hate packing stuff.
the bustos run has ended (prematurely)
What's sad is the people have short term memories. They will forget Mikey Bustos. Another bad thing is that if Bustos gets signed, he can't release his album until well after the top 2 or whatever release theirs. At least that's what I understand from the previous idols. My personal favourite, Tamyra Gray, still hasn't released her album and she was on the original American Idol. Good thing this competition is over in a month. CI has lost a controversial character with some serious talent.
I was glad to see Mikey bow out like that. He was genuine, graceful, and a gentleman. It was more like the bustos I remember. He entered the competition like that and left it like that. I just wished he showed more of that in the middle.
He made me a fan. Congratulations to him and Lawrence. It's sad to see him go, but now he can move on with his career. With the right guidance, he will be able to take his music career farther than any one else in the competition.
I was glad to see Mikey bow out like that. He was genuine, graceful, and a gentleman. It was more like the bustos I remember. He entered the competition like that and left it like that. I just wished he showed more of that in the middle.
He made me a fan. Congratulations to him and Lawrence. It's sad to see him go, but now he can move on with his career. With the right guidance, he will be able to take his music career farther than any one else in the competition.
And this concludes 3a
So I'm done a full-time term. It was the most academically boring terms. I like 2 out of 5 courses: Digital Computers and Numerical Computation. The other three made me a have narcolepsy.
I'm officially alone here in my suite in residence. The rest of the time I think I'll pack, work on my site, exercise somehow, and rest. That should fill up my time before bedtime.
Sorry I have nothing interesting to say.
I'm officially alone here in my suite in residence. The rest of the time I think I'll pack, work on my site, exercise somehow, and rest. That should fill up my time before bedtime.
Sorry I have nothing interesting to say.
Last one at 2pm today. Jo and Lawrence are out of residence. Dave is soon to follow, then me. I'm turning into redo website mode. I have a concept for my new website that is a little different. It will look a lot different from this one, although the page format will be the same. I'm wondering if I should go through with it. I think it would be kinda cool. I have a demo of it running at home. I guess I'll work on that after my exam. I hate packing stuff.
Saturday, August 9, 2003
Good Luck Franklin
Hang in there Ray, exams are almost up. I know how this time of year can be, especially with everything else that is going on. I swear it's something in Waterloo's water... it's making everyone crazy. Good luck with your exams and I hope you feel better. Catch you later,
Good Luck Franklin
Hang in there Ray, exams are almost up. I know how this time of year can be, especially with everything else that is going on. I swear it's something in Waterloo's water... it's making everyone crazy. Good luck with your exams and I hope you feel better. Catch you later,
Thursday, August 7, 2003
I could be a better supporter...
I could be wearing one of those creamy-yellow Mikey T-Shirts...

Speaking of T-Shirts, where's my 5EC T-Shirt Ray?
Speaking of T-Shirts, where's my 5EC T-Shirt Ray?
Lawrence, congratulations! Mikey is doing so well and I'm sure he's so happy to have your support. True friends are rare, Mikey is lucky to have you.
As for the Kobe and Ray thing, yeah I did call Ray my Kobe. As many of you know, Ray is in the public eye quite often and many girls oogle and google for him. As his girl, it's hard to watch but what can you do? All you can really do is support your man, trust them and have faith in the realtionship. I'm really proud of Ray and happy to be his girl, he is definitely my Kobe, Jordan, Superman, whatever... he's really "SUPER"! Back to the Kobe thing, I hate it when the media says that Kobe bought off his wife by buying her a $4 million dollar ring. I personally don't think you can put a price tag on their relationship. She obviously loves him but she's probably hurting inside too. She's just a strong woman fighting for her man from some opportunist chick.
Forgivenss is key...but don't take that as an open invitation...lol.
As for the Kobe and Ray thing, yeah I did call Ray my Kobe. As many of you know, Ray is in the public eye quite often and many girls oogle and google for him. As his girl, it's hard to watch but what can you do? All you can really do is support your man, trust them and have faith in the realtionship. I'm really proud of Ray and happy to be his girl, he is definitely my Kobe, Jordan, Superman, whatever... he's really "SUPER"! Back to the Kobe thing, I hate it when the media says that Kobe bought off his wife by buying her a $4 million dollar ring. I personally don't think you can put a price tag on their relationship. She obviously loves him but she's probably hurting inside too. She's just a strong woman fighting for her man from some opportunist chick.
Forgivenss is key...but don't take that as an open invitation...lol.
"If you're married, stick with your wife," McGrady said Thursday. "Don't do anything crazy that's going to cause problems in your household. Keep a happy family."
Of course this is good advice for Kobe, but Grady has to remember one thing: He's still one rich ugly dude. Girls aren't thrown at him like Kobe and it's easier for an ugly dude to say that.
Anyways, Dy called me her Kobe yesterday. I was like "what?" Amongst all the things going on with him, I was surprised to hear that. She meant she feels happy to be with me and proud of me like Kobe's wife regardless of what happened. That's sweet eh?
Speaking of sweet, Lawrence is accumulating a fan base. Not only has lawrence been published in an article. There is a 3 page discussion on how hot he is. Click here to check it out Lawrence is now known as the Pimp Idol.
Speaking of pimps, actually it has nothing to do with pimps. I just thought I should it keep it consistent. I'm chugging away here at exams. I have one today, one tomorrow, and my last one on tuesday. Oh how time flies. The exam period is having an affect on me physically. I haven't been feeling 100%. I feel like I'm sick. I haven't shaved since the beginning of the exam period. Overall, I pretty much feel and look like shit. As long as I don't feel and look like that after exams, I'm cool with that.
Of course this is good advice for Kobe, but Grady has to remember one thing: He's still one rich ugly dude. Girls aren't thrown at him like Kobe and it's easier for an ugly dude to say that.
Anyways, Dy called me her Kobe yesterday. I was like "what?" Amongst all the things going on with him, I was surprised to hear that. She meant she feels happy to be with me and proud of me like Kobe's wife regardless of what happened. That's sweet eh?
Speaking of sweet, Lawrence is accumulating a fan base. Not only has lawrence been published in an article. There is a 3 page discussion on how hot he is. Click here to check it out Lawrence is now known as the Pimp Idol.
Speaking of pimps, actually it has nothing to do with pimps. I just thought I should it keep it consistent. I'm chugging away here at exams. I have one today, one tomorrow, and my last one on tuesday. Oh how time flies. The exam period is having an affect on me physically. I haven't been feeling 100%. I feel like I'm sick. I haven't shaved since the beginning of the exam period. Overall, I pretty much feel and look like shit. As long as I don't feel and look like that after exams, I'm cool with that.
I could be a better supporter...
I could be wearing one of those creamy-yellow Mikey T-Shirts...

Speaking of T-Shirts, where's my 5EC T-Shirt Ray?
Speaking of T-Shirts, where's my 5EC T-Shirt Ray?
Lawrence, congratulations! Mikey is doing so well and I'm sure he's so happy to have your support. True friends are rare, Mikey is lucky to have you.
As for the Kobe and Ray thing, yeah I did call Ray my Kobe. As many of you know, Ray is in the public eye quite often and many girls oogle and google for him. As his girl, it's hard to watch but what can you do? All you can really do is support your man, trust them and have faith in the realtionship. I'm really proud of Ray and happy to be his girl, he is definitely my Kobe, Jordan, Superman, whatever... he's really "SUPER"! Back to the Kobe thing, I hate it when the media says that Kobe bought off his wife by buying her a $4 million dollar ring. I personally don't think you can put a price tag on their relationship. She obviously loves him but she's probably hurting inside too. She's just a strong woman fighting for her man from some opportunist chick.
Forgivenss is key...but don't take that as an open invitation...lol.
As for the Kobe and Ray thing, yeah I did call Ray my Kobe. As many of you know, Ray is in the public eye quite often and many girls oogle and google for him. As his girl, it's hard to watch but what can you do? All you can really do is support your man, trust them and have faith in the realtionship. I'm really proud of Ray and happy to be his girl, he is definitely my Kobe, Jordan, Superman, whatever... he's really "SUPER"! Back to the Kobe thing, I hate it when the media says that Kobe bought off his wife by buying her a $4 million dollar ring. I personally don't think you can put a price tag on their relationship. She obviously loves him but she's probably hurting inside too. She's just a strong woman fighting for her man from some opportunist chick.
Forgivenss is key...but don't take that as an open invitation...lol.
"If you're married, stick with your wife," McGrady said Thursday. "Don't do anything crazy that's going to cause problems in your household. Keep a happy family."
Of course this is good advice for Kobe, but Grady has to remember one thing: He's still one rich ugly dude. Girls aren't thrown at him like Kobe and it's easier for an ugly dude to say that.
Anyways, Dy called me her Kobe yesterday. I was like "what?" Amongst all the things going on with him, I was surprised to hear that. She meant she feels happy to be with me and proud of me like Kobe's wife regardless of what happened. That's sweet eh?
Speaking of sweet, Lawrence is accumulating a fan base. Not only has lawrence been published in an article. There is a 3 page discussion on how hot he is. Click here to check it out Lawrence is now known as the Pimp Idol.
Speaking of pimps, actually it has nothing to do with pimps. I just thought I should it keep it consistent. I'm chugging away here at exams. I have one today, one tomorrow, and my last one on tuesday. Oh how time flies. The exam period is having an affect on me physically. I haven't been feeling 100%. I feel like I'm sick. I haven't shaved since the beginning of the exam period. Overall, I pretty much feel and look like shit. As long as I don't feel and look like that after exams, I'm cool with that.
Of course this is good advice for Kobe, but Grady has to remember one thing: He's still one rich ugly dude. Girls aren't thrown at him like Kobe and it's easier for an ugly dude to say that.
Anyways, Dy called me her Kobe yesterday. I was like "what?" Amongst all the things going on with him, I was surprised to hear that. She meant she feels happy to be with me and proud of me like Kobe's wife regardless of what happened. That's sweet eh?
Speaking of sweet, Lawrence is accumulating a fan base. Not only has lawrence been published in an article. There is a 3 page discussion on how hot he is. Click here to check it out Lawrence is now known as the Pimp Idol.
Speaking of pimps, actually it has nothing to do with pimps. I just thought I should it keep it consistent. I'm chugging away here at exams. I have one today, one tomorrow, and my last one on tuesday. Oh how time flies. The exam period is having an affect on me physically. I haven't been feeling 100%. I feel like I'm sick. I haven't shaved since the beginning of the exam period. Overall, I pretty much feel and look like shit. As long as I don't feel and look like that after exams, I'm cool with that.
Wednesday, August 6, 2003
How can you be better when you don't know what you're up against? Competition sucks especially when you're so used to winning. Time for reflection, renewal and understanding...it's hard to be inside yourself.
How can you be better when you don't know what you're up against? Competition sucks especially when you're so used to winning. Time for reflection, renewal and understanding...it's hard to be inside yourself.
Tuesday, August 5, 2003
I saw a tv star this morning. He's sleeping in the room next to my room. I stole his Canada bandana and started to auction it on ebay.
Anyways, very bad news for RIM, the company I work for. They lost in a patent infringement ruling against NTP. They have appealed, but if they lose the appeal, they lose $53.7 million and an injunction until 2012 which prevents them from selling or making blackberrys. That would suck. They haven't lost anything so far since they are appealing. Hopefully, they can afford to pay me my salary. Here's the link.
Another day of studying. I haven't shaved since Saturday. My weird filipino facial hair is making look like pepe le dumbass.
Anyways, very bad news for RIM, the company I work for. They lost in a patent infringement ruling against NTP. They have appealed, but if they lose the appeal, they lose $53.7 million and an injunction until 2012 which prevents them from selling or making blackberrys. That would suck. They haven't lost anything so far since they are appealing. Hopefully, they can afford to pay me my salary. Here's the link.
Another day of studying. I haven't shaved since Saturday. My weird filipino facial hair is making look like pepe le dumbass.
I saw a tv star this morning. He's sleeping in the room next to my room. I stole his Canada bandana and started to auction it on ebay.
Anyways, very bad news for RIM, the company I work for. They lost in a patent infringement ruling against NTP. They have appealed, but if they lose the appeal, they lose $53.7 million and an injunction until 2012 which prevents them from selling or making blackberrys. That would suck. They haven't lost anything so far since they are appealing. Hopefully, they can afford to pay me my salary. Here's the link.
Another day of studying. I haven't shaved since Saturday. My weird filipino facial hair is making look like pepe le dumbass.
Anyways, very bad news for RIM, the company I work for. They lost in a patent infringement ruling against NTP. They have appealed, but if they lose the appeal, they lose $53.7 million and an injunction until 2012 which prevents them from selling or making blackberrys. That would suck. They haven't lost anything so far since they are appealing. Hopefully, they can afford to pay me my salary. Here's the link.
Another day of studying. I haven't shaved since Saturday. My weird filipino facial hair is making look like pepe le dumbass.
Monday, August 4, 2003
it's been a while
I didn't want to post anything until after my first exam. So here it is.
Well I went to the Justin and Christina Concert last week. I really enjoyed it. Christina had nice vocals, but she did not know how to perform that well. Justin, on the other hand, used his massive nsync powers to control the crowd. His vocals were pretty good too. I saw crumbs there too. Pretty good man.
You know yesterday's idol was pretty good. They weeded out a lot of the crap to get that top 11. Mike bugged me a little though. His antics were a little over the top. When he performed it was all good, but everything else was "what the heck". I must say though, his reaction to negative comments was hilarious. He just smiled, thanked, and blew the patented kiss to his disser. It can be interpreted in a number of ways:
Regardless. I found it funny. But he's gotta stop some of that. This competition is about vocals and personality. Mike is a genuinely good guy with a good personality. The camera and the lifestyle seem to be changing that a bit. Of course at this point, Canada doesn't agree. Regardless, I support him all the way. Make us proud Mike. Mike has the best voice in the competition. I don't like his vibrato. It's a machine gun vibrato.
By Jenny, Candida, Richard hopefully
Well I went to the Justin and Christina Concert last week. I really enjoyed it. Christina had nice vocals, but she did not know how to perform that well. Justin, on the other hand, used his massive nsync powers to control the crowd. His vocals were pretty good too. I saw crumbs there too. Pretty good man.
You know yesterday's idol was pretty good. They weeded out a lot of the crap to get that top 11. Mike bugged me a little though. His antics were a little over the top. When he performed it was all good, but everything else was "what the heck". I must say though, his reaction to negative comments was hilarious. He just smiled, thanked, and blew the patented kiss to his disser. It can be interpreted in a number of ways:
- He takes criticism well
- He planned to be the funny asshole
Regardless. I found it funny. But he's gotta stop some of that. This competition is about vocals and personality. Mike is a genuinely good guy with a good personality. The camera and the lifestyle seem to be changing that a bit. Of course at this point, Canada doesn't agree. Regardless, I support him all the way. Make us proud Mike. Mike has the best voice in the competition. I don't like his vibrato. It's a machine gun vibrato.
By Jenny, Candida, Richard hopefully
it's been a while
I didn't want to post anything until after my first exam. So here it is.
Well I went to the Justin and Christina Concert last week. I really enjoyed it. Christina had nice vocals, but she did not know how to perform that well. Justin, on the other hand, used his massive nsync powers to control the crowd. His vocals were pretty good too. I saw crumbs there too. Pretty good man.
You know yesterday's idol was pretty good. They weeded out a lot of the crap to get that top 11. Mike bugged me a little though. His antics were a little over the top. When he performed it was all good, but everything else was "what the heck". I must say though, his reaction to negative comments was hilarious. He just smiled, thanked, and blew the patented kiss to his disser. It can be interpreted in a number of ways:
Regardless. I found it funny. But he's gotta stop some of that. This competition is about vocals and personality. Mike is a genuinely good guy with a good personality. The camera and the lifestyle seem to be changing that a bit. Of course at this point, Canada doesn't agree. Regardless, I support him all the way. Make us proud Mike. Mike has the best voice in the competition. I don't like his vibrato. It's a machine gun vibrato.
By Jenny, Candida, Richard hopefully
Well I went to the Justin and Christina Concert last week. I really enjoyed it. Christina had nice vocals, but she did not know how to perform that well. Justin, on the other hand, used his massive nsync powers to control the crowd. His vocals were pretty good too. I saw crumbs there too. Pretty good man.
You know yesterday's idol was pretty good. They weeded out a lot of the crap to get that top 11. Mike bugged me a little though. His antics were a little over the top. When he performed it was all good, but everything else was "what the heck". I must say though, his reaction to negative comments was hilarious. He just smiled, thanked, and blew the patented kiss to his disser. It can be interpreted in a number of ways:
- He takes criticism well
- He planned to be the funny asshole
Regardless. I found it funny. But he's gotta stop some of that. This competition is about vocals and personality. Mike is a genuinely good guy with a good personality. The camera and the lifestyle seem to be changing that a bit. Of course at this point, Canada doesn't agree. Regardless, I support him all the way. Make us proud Mike. Mike has the best voice in the competition. I don't like his vibrato. It's a machine gun vibrato.
By Jenny, Candida, Richard hopefully
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