Thursday, August 14, 2003

black out

So I moved out on Wednesday. I noticed that I have so much stuff. How did I accumulate so much stuff? It's like I move my life around every 4 months. Good thing my dad was there to help me.

My dad taught me or reminded me of a few things the other day: sometimes you can't rush or force hings and just let things come to you. I was rushing to get things done or waiting for things to happen, but I can't do that all the time. Sometimes, I just don't have control over everything.

On another note, yesterday was Dy and I's 5 year 2 month anniversary. Happy happy

The power went out last night at 4:30pm. It's still out. I'm typing as fast as I can on my laptop. According to my dad, bad things happen to Canada like SARS, Mad Cow, West Nile, etc. because we accept GAY marriages here. I like the theory. Hence the power goes out. We just spent out time BBQing outside, talking, and stuff. It was cool. Again, another thing happens that shows how much we take for granted. Dy joked that I would be useless in a world without electricity. Maybe so. Then I hit her in the head with a beach ball. Take that! hehe so childish.

It's weird how the radio person can be so cold because they have to be professional. "Canada's first Doctor has fallen victim to SARS, Nestor Yanga". She said it soo cold. It really hurt when I first heard that. Dr. Yanga is a family friend and please remember him in all your prayers.

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