Monday, August 4, 2003

it's been a while

I didn't want to post anything until after my first exam. So here it is.

Well I went to the Justin and Christina Concert last week. I really enjoyed it. Christina had nice vocals, but she did not know how to perform that well. Justin, on the other hand, used his massive nsync powers to control the crowd. His vocals were pretty good too. I saw crumbs there too. Pretty good man.

You know yesterday's idol was pretty good. They weeded out a lot of the crap to get that top 11. Mike bugged me a little though. His antics were a little over the top. When he performed it was all good, but everything else was "what the heck". I must say though, his reaction to negative comments was hilarious. He just smiled, thanked, and blew the patented kiss to his disser. It can be interpreted in a number of ways:

  1. He takes criticism well

  2. He planned to be the funny asshole

Regardless. I found it funny. But he's gotta stop some of that. This competition is about vocals and personality. Mike is a genuinely good guy with a good personality. The camera and the lifestyle seem to be changing that a bit. Of course at this point, Canada doesn't agree. Regardless, I support him all the way. Make us proud Mike. Mike has the best voice in the competition. I don't like his vibrato. It's a machine gun vibrato.

By Jenny, Candida, Richard hopefully

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