Thursday, August 7, 2003


Lawrence, congratulations! Mikey is doing so well and I'm sure he's so happy to have your support. True friends are rare, Mikey is lucky to have you.

As for the Kobe and Ray thing, yeah I did call Ray my Kobe. As many of you know, Ray is in the public eye quite often and many girls oogle and google for him. As his girl, it's hard to watch but what can you do? All you can really do is support your man, trust them and have faith in the realtionship. I'm really proud of Ray and happy to be his girl, he is definitely my Kobe, Jordan, Superman, whatever... he's really "SUPER"! Back to the Kobe thing, I hate it when the media says that Kobe bought off his wife by buying her a $4 million dollar ring. I personally don't think you can put a price tag on their relationship. She obviously loves him but she's probably hurting inside too. She's just a strong woman fighting for her man from some opportunist chick.

Forgivenss is key...but don't take that as an open

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