Monday, August 18, 2003


The picnic went well. Stupid me, I forgot to take pictures. Oh well. J-ro, Gail, Kuaz, Di2, Teo, Leen, Nick, Fres, Geoff, Czar, Dy, and Tina were there. Teo did most of the cooking as usual, everyone brought something to cook or eat. Thanks to them.

Dy has exams. I need to see a movie. Geez. I haven't seen one since matrix. I also chilled with Anna yesterday.

It was Laura and Mike's bday yesterday. Happy belated.

I'm working on my website now. I finally setup my development server with PHP/MySql and replicated the databases at home. You won't see any changes before until the school term starts though. You may see some feature changes though.

Gotta run some errands.

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