Thursday, August 7, 2003


"If you're married, stick with your wife," McGrady said Thursday. "Don't do anything crazy that's going to cause problems in your household. Keep a happy family."

Of course this is good advice for Kobe, but Grady has to remember one thing: He's still one rich ugly dude. Girls aren't thrown at him like Kobe and it's easier for an ugly dude to say that.

Anyways, Dy called me her Kobe yesterday. I was like "what?" Amongst all the things going on with him, I was surprised to hear that. She meant she feels happy to be with me and proud of me like Kobe's wife regardless of what happened. That's sweet eh?

Speaking of sweet, Lawrence is accumulating a fan base. Not only has lawrence been published in an article. There is a 3 page discussion on how hot he is. Click here to check it out Lawrence is now known as the Pimp Idol.

Speaking of pimps, actually it has nothing to do with pimps. I just thought I should it keep it consistent. I'm chugging away here at exams. I have one today, one tomorrow, and my last one on tuesday. Oh how time flies. The exam period is having an affect on me physically. I haven't been feeling 100%. I feel like I'm sick. I haven't shaved since the beginning of the exam period. Overall, I pretty much feel and look like shit. As long as I don't feel and look like that after exams, I'm cool with that.

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