Wednesday, October 15, 2003

Approaching 10000

My site is approaching 10000 hits. wow.

It reminds me that I have to put the rest of the Europe pics up. I already put up like 400!

There are performance videos from this year that I have yet to upload as well.

I hear that link that Dy posted was pretty cool. I will download it in a bit.

Two big things that I haven't mentioned. Happy Anniversary to my parents!!! It's been 28 years on Oct 11. Also, Happy birthday to my sister, Eileen (oct 14)!!!

What you doing for Halloween? A few of my friends are going to this place where there are 4 really scary trails/rides/places or whatever you call them. I'm excited to get scared. We'll probably dress up too.

I'm performing today for the 30 Hour Famine. It's a fundraiser for hungry children around the world. That should be ok....

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