Wednesday, October 1, 2003

Sauna Story

Check this out.

After hip hop the other day, I decide to hit the sauna. I enter and see this older dude that I usually see around the Gym. He's a 30 something chinese dude, a university alumni I suppose.

Almost instantly, he starts telling me a story that allegedly happened in Waterloo. The story is about a guy who is carrying a lot of money, but is beaten robbed by a gang. He, however, knows who robs him and so he calls the police. The gang finds out he called the police so they got rid of the money by buying things and giving them away to homeless people. The gang also calls the police and says that the guy they robbed is making a scene. Now it appears it's one word against the other.

Instanly, I have questions. Obviously, the guy who is talking is the one who got robbed, but I asked to give real context. Last year, the Raptors had their training camp in waterloo. They had a game in our gym that was open to the public. It raised about $10000 for the Athletic Department. Apparently, some of the money was supposed to go to him. Instead, some staff stole the money that was supposed to go to him. The guy called the police, but to no avail.

He started naming names and giving all types of evidence, but I told him straight up that his case was holy, as in it had lots of holes.

If it's true, then this is an incredible story. This guy, however, is jobless and living with his parents. The staff members have worked in Waterloo for a very long time. Who are people going to believe?

I'll probably see this dude again, so I'll probe him for more questions.


alright..notice more pictures....
going to sleep now.

and the beat goes on

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