Sunday, October 19, 2003

Vote for Blackberry 7230!

A Message from the CEO of RIM:

I am please to announce that our very own BlackBerry 7230 has been shortlisted by T3 magazine (top European magazine) as one of their Top 10 Products of the Year. Winners are decided by an open reader vote - anyone can vote.

Please place your vote for BlackBerry now at:

Feel free to ask your friends, family, etc. to vote for us too!

The closing date for voting is November 15, 2003

Please take the time to vote for our very own BlackBerry 7230 for Product of the Year.

Thank you,

Mike Lazaridis

I would highly recommend this blackberry. It has all the PDA functionality with Internet, email, and phone. I use it everyday. If I needed a PDA or something and even if I didn't work at RIM, I would buy this model.

When I made this picture, this is what I was thinking. I wanted it to be me watching one of my practice videos. After I made it, it seemed a little vain. But, it's only me watching. I don't know. Whatever.

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