Friday, October 24, 2003

That thing

Magic hill was a disappointment. The crew was Fernando,Boom,teo,leen,dy, and I. We get there at around 9:30. We wait 30minutes to pay $21 for 3 attractions.

OK. So it's 10pm and we get in line for the "trail trek". 1.5 hours later and a run in with some line-budders, 6 cold and frustrated 5th Elememt friends.

We walk through...and ehhh..I was trying my hardest to be scared, but it was not to be.

After a 30min lineup, we got into the 2nd one. It was better, but nothing special

To add insult to injury, it started raining. We still had 1 more to go to. Good thing this one, like the previous one, was inside.

dootdadootboo..It's pouring. We have to walk back to our car. Soaked and disappointed. At least the conversation in the line was pretty good.

The scare of the night was when someone creeped behind Dy and scared her and she said "I thought you were Fernando!"

Ahh well..

Don't go. NOT Recommended.

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