Monday, October 27, 2003

weird dream

I had a weird dream last night.

I was doing an interview with Microsoft. It went OK. He asked a lot of questions about C. Anyways, after that, I went to this balloon/party store to buy a gift for someone.

As I walk out the store and enter my car, some thug comes up to me with a gun and threatens to kill me. I was scared sh**less. Luckily he leaves, but another thug comes after him and actually shoots me in the heart. I was conscious for a few seconds, then I pass out.

I wake up (still alive I suppose) and I'm in the hospital. There's a party going on. John Ritter has taken custody of me. He took all my wealth (apparently I had some in the dream) and was using it for himself. I was mad, but I guess happy that I survived.


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