Monday, September 29, 2003
please pray
My cousin from California just turned 14. He spent his birthday in the hospital for sugery. Please remember him in your prayers.
please pray
My cousin from California just turned 14. He spent his birthday in the hospital for sugery. Please remember him in your prayers.
Saturday, September 27, 2003
Yes I'm busy. I just had a fun weekend in toronto. Before that though, I heard some interesting news. I had a meeting with my two bosses on friday. They told the CEO of RIM, Mike Lazaridis, about the progress of my project. Apparently, my project is a lot more important than I thought. The CEO was very very happy about it and told my boss that he needs to tell him about these things to keep up his (CEO's) spirits up. WOW
So I had a busy weekend. Teo and Leen treated Dy and I to dinner at Milestones. So I said i'd treat them to Oktoberfest in waterloo. I also watched Underworld. It's good entertainment. JRo and gail met up with us on saturday after the movie for some late night dessert.
I missed bustos, so I went to Pearl Lounge. Not bad.
I'm really busy..ahhhhh
So I had a busy weekend. Teo and Leen treated Dy and I to dinner at Milestones. So I said i'd treat them to Oktoberfest in waterloo. I also watched Underworld. It's good entertainment. JRo and gail met up with us on saturday after the movie for some late night dessert.
I missed bustos, so I went to Pearl Lounge. Not bad.
I'm really busy..ahhhhh
Birthday Marathon Finally Over
To all those who came out to celebrate, thank you so much. I hope you all enjoyed dinner and catching up. Also, thanks to Leen for lunch today, it was so great! To ray rah, this extended weekend was so amazing. I am so sad that its over but I look forward to the next. I can't thank you enough for everything you do for me. Thanks for being there for me and for the delicious cake and for your overall thoughtfulness.
luv ya like no other, forever always,
luv ya like no other, forever always,
Yes I'm busy. I just had a fun weekend in toronto. Before that though, I heard some interesting news. I had a meeting with my two bosses on friday. They told the CEO of RIM, Mike Lazaridis, about the progress of my project. Apparently, my project is a lot more important than I thought. The CEO was very very happy about it and told my boss that he needs to tell him about these things to keep up his (CEO's) spirits up. WOW
So I had a busy weekend. Teo and Leen treated Dy and I to dinner at Milestones. So I said i'd treat them to Oktoberfest in waterloo. I also watched Underworld. It's good entertainment. JRo and gail met up with us on saturday after the movie for some late night dessert.
I missed bustos, so I went to Pearl Lounge. Not bad.
I'm really busy..ahhhhh
So I had a busy weekend. Teo and Leen treated Dy and I to dinner at Milestones. So I said i'd treat them to Oktoberfest in waterloo. I also watched Underworld. It's good entertainment. JRo and gail met up with us on saturday after the movie for some late night dessert.
I missed bustos, so I went to Pearl Lounge. Not bad.
I'm really busy..ahhhhh
Birthday Marathon Finally Over
To all those who came out to celebrate, thank you so much. I hope you all enjoyed dinner and catching up. Also, thanks to Leen for lunch today, it was so great! To ray rah, this extended weekend was so amazing. I am so sad that its over but I look forward to the next. I can't thank you enough for everything you do for me. Thanks for being there for me and for the delicious cake and for your overall thoughtfulness.
luv ya like no other, forever always,
luv ya like no other, forever always,
Wednesday, September 24, 2003
umm i mean HAPPY BELATED!!! i'm always late... sorry couldn't make it *again*-**sigh** but i hope you had a great one!!! hope to see you soon and take care!! best wishes
umm i mean HAPPY BELATED!!! i'm always late... sorry couldn't make it *again*-**sigh** but i hope you had a great one!!! hope to see you soon and take care!! best wishes
Tuesday, September 23, 2003
happy birthdy dylan.
dylan it's your birthday.
hope you enjoy your day.
it's time to take another step.
dylan it's your birthday.
hope you enjoy your day.
it's time to take another step.
St. Mikes Sweethearts!
Awww...thanks Ray and Brent....Brent, I will seriously take you up on that offer.
Thanks again boys.
Thanks again boys.
Happy birthday(!), lets go to michigan. I'll buy you the bestest ever $5 shirt from the nike factory outlet or some of that camping stuff you and ray love. Ray you'll be driving again... thanks.
miss yal,
miss yal,
On Sept 24 2003...
To my girlfriend, companion, and bestfriend.
Happy Birthday. You mean the world to me.

Happy Birthday. You mean the world to me.
happy birthdy dylan.
dylan it's your birthday.
hope you enjoy your day.
it's time to take another step.
dylan it's your birthday.
hope you enjoy your day.
it's time to take another step.
St. Mikes Sweethearts!
Awww...thanks Ray and Brent....Brent, I will seriously take you up on that offer.
Thanks again boys.
Thanks again boys.
Happy birthday(!), lets go to michigan. I'll buy you the bestest ever $5 shirt from the nike factory outlet or some of that camping stuff you and ray love. Ray you'll be driving again... thanks.
miss yal,
miss yal,
On Sept 24 2003...
To my girlfriend, companion, and bestfriend.
Happy Birthday. You mean the world to me.

Happy Birthday. You mean the world to me.
Monday, September 22, 2003
You'd like it if you came to San Diego
You'd also like it if you came to San Diego. You've been there before haven't you?
I have no idea how I'm going to be able to return to the harsh winter season.
I have no idea how I'm going to be able to return to the harsh winter season.
My girly friend, Dylan, has a birthday tomorrow! I can't be with her on her day, but I will be after. Hopefully I can make it special for her.
Today is the first hiphop class. yadayada188yadayada.
I talked to brent yesterday. He's the one who told me about that dude in the picture below. He said I would like it if I went to the Philippines. I don't know if I can handle the heat.
dootdadoo. more europe pics tonight. The pics I will post are from vienna.
Today is the first hiphop class. yadayada188yadayada.
I talked to brent yesterday. He's the one who told me about that dude in the picture below. He said I would like it if I went to the Philippines. I don't know if I can handle the heat.
dootdadoo. more europe pics tonight. The pics I will post are from vienna.
You'd like it if you came to San Diego
You'd also like it if you came to San Diego. You've been there before haven't you?
I have no idea how I'm going to be able to return to the harsh winter season.
I have no idea how I'm going to be able to return to the harsh winter season.
My girly friend, Dylan, has a birthday tomorrow! I can't be with her on her day, but I will be after. Hopefully I can make it special for her.
Today is the first hiphop class. yadayada188yadayada.
I talked to brent yesterday. He's the one who told me about that dude in the picture below. He said I would like it if I went to the Philippines. I don't know if I can handle the heat.
dootdadoo. more europe pics tonight. The pics I will post are from vienna.
Today is the first hiphop class. yadayada188yadayada.
I talked to brent yesterday. He's the one who told me about that dude in the picture below. He said I would like it if I went to the Philippines. I don't know if I can handle the heat.
dootdadoo. more europe pics tonight. The pics I will post are from vienna.
Sunday, September 21, 2003
'bout Brent
I guess I'm the only Brent fan 'round here:) for now, that is.
Thanks for the info, Ray. Keep'em coming.
Thanks for the info, Ray. Keep'em coming.
'bout Brent
I guess I'm the only Brent fan 'round here:) for now, that is.
Thanks for the info, Ray. Keep'em coming.
Thanks for the info, Ray. Keep'em coming.
Saturday, September 20, 2003
disturbing in a number of ways
Mikey Bustos
Hey Mikey Bustos fans. FYI, Mikey will be making an appearance on Friday September 26, 2003 at Toronto's Tonic Night Club, (117 Peter Street). He will be performing with back up dancers from Vybe. If you can make it, please go out and support Mikey! The event is 19&over (ID Required).
disturbing in a number of ways
Mikey Bustos
Hey Mikey Bustos fans. FYI, Mikey will be making an appearance on Friday September 26, 2003 at Toronto's Tonic Night Club, (117 Peter Street). He will be performing with back up dancers from Vybe. If you can make it, please go out and support Mikey! The event is 19&over (ID Required).
Friday, September 19, 2003
more europe pics
There are more. These are from Salzburg and Bertchezgaden. I still have Vienna,Venice,and Paris to upload.
more europe pics
There are more. These are from Salzburg and Bertchezgaden. I still have Vienna,Venice,and Paris to upload.
Thursday, September 18, 2003
I've been dreaming for a long time
I'm getting good at this cuz I have tons of dreams and I'm becoming able to see where they come from. You've seen my dream log right?
It's actually 180 members!
I did feel overwhelmed. I think that's a good and accurate interpretation, Lawrence. Where did you get your technicolour dreamcoat?
for brent fans
Mossimo contest
It was 22-year-old Ronald Brent Javier who stood out during the presentation of the Mossimo Bikini Summit. The 6?0? tall Brent grew up in Toronto, Canada but both his parents originated from Candeleria, Quezon.
Brent came to Manila last July for a change of scenery. ?I was bored in Canada. When you?ve been in a place for so long you tend to feel stagnant,? he explained.
?I joined this contest because I think it?s the right thing for to me do. It compelled me to keep in shape. I used to weigh 192 lbs. I?ve shaved off 30 lbs. The contest could also help me build my self confidence,? he said.
Of course, Brent is also hoping to start a career in show business. ?I love meeting a lot of people. It?s always very interesting to work with all kinds of people.?
It was 22-year-old Ronald Brent Javier who stood out during the presentation of the Mossimo Bikini Summit. The 6?0? tall Brent grew up in Toronto, Canada but both his parents originated from Candeleria, Quezon.
Brent came to Manila last July for a change of scenery. ?I was bored in Canada. When you?ve been in a place for so long you tend to feel stagnant,? he explained.
?I joined this contest because I think it?s the right thing for to me do. It compelled me to keep in shape. I used to weigh 192 lbs. I?ve shaved off 30 lbs. The contest could also help me build my self confidence,? he said.
Of course, Brent is also hoping to start a career in show business. ?I love meeting a lot of people. It?s always very interesting to work with all kinds of people.?
I've been dreaming for a long time
I'm getting good at this cuz I have tons of dreams and I'm becoming able to see where they come from. You've seen my dream log right?
It's actually 180 members!
I did feel overwhelmed. I think that's a good and accurate interpretation, Lawrence. Where did you get your technicolour dreamcoat?
for brent fans
Mossimo contest
It was 22-year-old Ronald Brent Javier who stood out during the presentation of the Mossimo Bikini Summit. The 6?0? tall Brent grew up in Toronto, Canada but both his parents originated from Candeleria, Quezon.
Brent came to Manila last July for a change of scenery. ?I was bored in Canada. When you?ve been in a place for so long you tend to feel stagnant,? he explained.
?I joined this contest because I think it?s the right thing for to me do. It compelled me to keep in shape. I used to weigh 192 lbs. I?ve shaved off 30 lbs. The contest could also help me build my self confidence,? he said.
Of course, Brent is also hoping to start a career in show business. ?I love meeting a lot of people. It?s always very interesting to work with all kinds of people.?
It was 22-year-old Ronald Brent Javier who stood out during the presentation of the Mossimo Bikini Summit. The 6?0? tall Brent grew up in Toronto, Canada but both his parents originated from Candeleria, Quezon.
Brent came to Manila last July for a change of scenery. ?I was bored in Canada. When you?ve been in a place for so long you tend to feel stagnant,? he explained.
?I joined this contest because I think it?s the right thing for to me do. It compelled me to keep in shape. I used to weigh 192 lbs. I?ve shaved off 30 lbs. The contest could also help me build my self confidence,? he said.
Of course, Brent is also hoping to start a career in show business. ?I love meeting a lot of people. It?s always very interesting to work with all kinds of people.?
Wednesday, September 17, 2003
Ur Dream
Hi Ray rah. Maybe your dream has to do with just some of the things you've been struggling with lately. For instance, your computer problem that you couldn't figure out just until yesterday, Maybe you're just feeling overwhelmed by all the things that have been going on such as Hip hop, work, me and school, things that you have grown comfortable with but just recently have been kind of bombarding you at the same time. As for the setting of your dream, were you watching anything or read anything pertaining to the army or police. Anyways, congrats on an amazing turn out, I wish you and the other execs all the best in managing, team work, that's what it's all about. Too bad you don't have some of your members from Summer term like Victoria, Xiang and FJ but I'm sure you guys will do great!
weird dream
I don't have detailed dreams very often, but I had one last night. It was a dream that lasted the whole night. I was in a training program to become a police officer. The training was a one day physical and mental test. It started very early with the physical tests. I excelled in those ones. There was football, basketball, running, some fitness tests, and other regular physical tests.
At the time, I was feeling good about myself because I was one of the best. We then went into a classroom to take a written test. When I started it, I felt totally disabled. I could hardly answer the first question. When I read the questions, I thought to myself that these were easy and I could do this. The questions were pattern matching and some math. I just couldn't do it. The subsequent pages were like comic books, but I just couldn't read it. As people around me finished with ease, I began to panic.
It was a complete struggle and I did not like it. When I woke up, I felt depressed. I could interpret it in a number of ways, but I want to know what you think. So post your thoughts if you can.
Also, we just finished Club days today. It's a time when students sign up for clubs. I'm president of the Hip Hop club, so I was involved. At the end of the day, we got about 150 members! This is not only unbelievable, but also unmanageable. We don't solicit our members. They just come up to us and sign up. wow. I don't know how I'll teach a dance class that huge =))
Don't forget to post your thoughts on my dream. Thanks.
At the time, I was feeling good about myself because I was one of the best. We then went into a classroom to take a written test. When I started it, I felt totally disabled. I could hardly answer the first question. When I read the questions, I thought to myself that these were easy and I could do this. The questions were pattern matching and some math. I just couldn't do it. The subsequent pages were like comic books, but I just couldn't read it. As people around me finished with ease, I began to panic.
It was a complete struggle and I did not like it. When I woke up, I felt depressed. I could interpret it in a number of ways, but I want to know what you think. So post your thoughts if you can.
Also, we just finished Club days today. It's a time when students sign up for clubs. I'm president of the Hip Hop club, so I was involved. At the end of the day, we got about 150 members! This is not only unbelievable, but also unmanageable. We don't solicit our members. They just come up to us and sign up. wow. I don't know how I'll teach a dance class that huge =))
Don't forget to post your thoughts on my dream. Thanks.
Ur Dream
Hi Ray rah. Maybe your dream has to do with just some of the things you've been struggling with lately. For instance, your computer problem that you couldn't figure out just until yesterday, Maybe you're just feeling overwhelmed by all the things that have been going on such as Hip hop, work, me and school, things that you have grown comfortable with but just recently have been kind of bombarding you at the same time. As for the setting of your dream, were you watching anything or read anything pertaining to the army or police. Anyways, congrats on an amazing turn out, I wish you and the other execs all the best in managing, team work, that's what it's all about. Too bad you don't have some of your members from Summer term like Victoria, Xiang and FJ but I'm sure you guys will do great!
weird dream
I don't have detailed dreams very often, but I had one last night. It was a dream that lasted the whole night. I was in a training program to become a police officer. The training was a one day physical and mental test. It started very early with the physical tests. I excelled in those ones. There was football, basketball, running, some fitness tests, and other regular physical tests.
At the time, I was feeling good about myself because I was one of the best. We then went into a classroom to take a written test. When I started it, I felt totally disabled. I could hardly answer the first question. When I read the questions, I thought to myself that these were easy and I could do this. The questions were pattern matching and some math. I just couldn't do it. The subsequent pages were like comic books, but I just couldn't read it. As people around me finished with ease, I began to panic.
It was a complete struggle and I did not like it. When I woke up, I felt depressed. I could interpret it in a number of ways, but I want to know what you think. So post your thoughts if you can.
Also, we just finished Club days today. It's a time when students sign up for clubs. I'm president of the Hip Hop club, so I was involved. At the end of the day, we got about 150 members! This is not only unbelievable, but also unmanageable. We don't solicit our members. They just come up to us and sign up. wow. I don't know how I'll teach a dance class that huge =))
Don't forget to post your thoughts on my dream. Thanks.
At the time, I was feeling good about myself because I was one of the best. We then went into a classroom to take a written test. When I started it, I felt totally disabled. I could hardly answer the first question. When I read the questions, I thought to myself that these were easy and I could do this. The questions were pattern matching and some math. I just couldn't do it. The subsequent pages were like comic books, but I just couldn't read it. As people around me finished with ease, I began to panic.
It was a complete struggle and I did not like it. When I woke up, I felt depressed. I could interpret it in a number of ways, but I want to know what you think. So post your thoughts if you can.
Also, we just finished Club days today. It's a time when students sign up for clubs. I'm president of the Hip Hop club, so I was involved. At the end of the day, we got about 150 members! This is not only unbelievable, but also unmanageable. We don't solicit our members. They just come up to us and sign up. wow. I don't know how I'll teach a dance class that huge =))
Don't forget to post your thoughts on my dream. Thanks.
Tuesday, September 16, 2003
freshman bboy
shahin is good, but so far i've just seen him on his hands and doing power. I would say Kee was better as a bboy when he first joined.
freshman bboy
shahin is good, but so far i've just seen him on his hands and doing power. I would say Kee was better as a bboy when he first joined.
Monday, September 15, 2003
eh yo
I'm glad to hear Lawrence is living la vida lam.
In my unspectacular life, things have been ok. Work started...same old. I got some QT with Dy which is always good. My fam came back from Paris. I posted some pics of Munich. We took 2200 pics!
There's uw clubs' days this week. Hopefully we have a good turn out. Also, there's a new waterloo freshman b-boy who is really good. I think he's the best all time waterloo b-boy. He has nasty 90s. I got to battle with him against some other dudes. It went well actually. Given that I haven't broke that much, I still held my own.
Ryan won idol. I forgot to post that he was my prediction. I think Gary did better, but Ryan has something. Bustos was on TV again today. He was pretty much out of the spotlight except for his solo dance! Pretty good dude. I'll battle you anytime =).
Check out those europe pics
In my unspectacular life, things have been ok. Work started...same old. I got some QT with Dy which is always good. My fam came back from Paris. I posted some pics of Munich. We took 2200 pics!
There's uw clubs' days this week. Hopefully we have a good turn out. Also, there's a new waterloo freshman b-boy who is really good. I think he's the best all time waterloo b-boy. He has nasty 90s. I got to battle with him against some other dudes. It went well actually. Given that I haven't broke that much, I still held my own.
Ryan won idol. I forgot to post that he was my prediction. I think Gary did better, but Ryan has something. Bustos was on TV again today. He was pretty much out of the spotlight except for his solo dance! Pretty good dude. I'll battle you anytime =).
Check out those europe pics
Started Work
Found a place to's in a neighbourhood called Mira Mesa. My housemate nicknames it Manila Mesa and when I went to church, I could see why. The church was packed and it was 99% filipino.
Work is awesome. Ray you and your crew should come down here. It's awesome. I tried going surfing last Saturday but wiped out way too many times up until my leg cramped up. I have an office, not a cubicle and I have an LCD monitor too for my office. There's a b-ball court, a beach v-ball court, tennis court, swimming pools, weight rooms, a path for running and a cafeteria that serves almost everything. I don't know how I'm going to get myself to return to Toronto in January.
Work is awesome. Ray you and your crew should come down here. It's awesome. I tried going surfing last Saturday but wiped out way too many times up until my leg cramped up. I have an office, not a cubicle and I have an LCD monitor too for my office. There's a b-ball court, a beach v-ball court, tennis court, swimming pools, weight rooms, a path for running and a cafeteria that serves almost everything. I don't know how I'm going to get myself to return to Toronto in January.
eh yo
I'm glad to hear Lawrence is living la vida lam.
In my unspectacular life, things have been ok. Work started...same old. I got some QT with Dy which is always good. My fam came back from Paris. I posted some pics of Munich. We took 2200 pics!
There's uw clubs' days this week. Hopefully we have a good turn out. Also, there's a new waterloo freshman b-boy who is really good. I think he's the best all time waterloo b-boy. He has nasty 90s. I got to battle with him against some other dudes. It went well actually. Given that I haven't broke that much, I still held my own.
Ryan won idol. I forgot to post that he was my prediction. I think Gary did better, but Ryan has something. Bustos was on TV again today. He was pretty much out of the spotlight except for his solo dance! Pretty good dude. I'll battle you anytime =).
Check out those europe pics
In my unspectacular life, things have been ok. Work started...same old. I got some QT with Dy which is always good. My fam came back from Paris. I posted some pics of Munich. We took 2200 pics!
There's uw clubs' days this week. Hopefully we have a good turn out. Also, there's a new waterloo freshman b-boy who is really good. I think he's the best all time waterloo b-boy. He has nasty 90s. I got to battle with him against some other dudes. It went well actually. Given that I haven't broke that much, I still held my own.
Ryan won idol. I forgot to post that he was my prediction. I think Gary did better, but Ryan has something. Bustos was on TV again today. He was pretty much out of the spotlight except for his solo dance! Pretty good dude. I'll battle you anytime =).
Check out those europe pics
Started Work
Found a place to's in a neighbourhood called Mira Mesa. My housemate nicknames it Manila Mesa and when I went to church, I could see why. The church was packed and it was 99% filipino.
Work is awesome. Ray you and your crew should come down here. It's awesome. I tried going surfing last Saturday but wiped out way too many times up until my leg cramped up. I have an office, not a cubicle and I have an LCD monitor too for my office. There's a b-ball court, a beach v-ball court, tennis court, swimming pools, weight rooms, a path for running and a cafeteria that serves almost everything. I don't know how I'm going to get myself to return to Toronto in January.
Work is awesome. Ray you and your crew should come down here. It's awesome. I tried going surfing last Saturday but wiped out way too many times up until my leg cramped up. I have an office, not a cubicle and I have an LCD monitor too for my office. There's a b-ball court, a beach v-ball court, tennis court, swimming pools, weight rooms, a path for running and a cafeteria that serves almost everything. I don't know how I'm going to get myself to return to Toronto in January.
Saturday, September 13, 2003
Friday, September 12, 2003
The Brent Story
So someone wants to learn more about this guy brent. I'm not sure if he'll like if I said anything about him, but I'll give you a brief overview.
Brent is my boy from high school. The filipino community in my private high school was small. yadayadayada...we graduate, he goes to brock for a bit...he doesn't like it..decides to go to philippines for basketball. I told him, "You know you are gonna act and model". He was like, "no man"...
He also came to my house for my bday with Mike Cuev and Richard Young, my other good friends from high school. We had a very memorable game of H.O.R.S.E.
Anyways, this dude stopped in his basketball effort, and I think a lot of people thought he could do well acting and modelling. So he did. I actually posted pictures from his mossimo contest, but he didn't like it that much.
There's tons more, but maybe you'll meet him and you can ask him yourself. Bustos and Brent are 2 filipinos from my school who have achieved a respectable amount of fame. I'm very proud of them.
Brent is my boy from high school. The filipino community in my private high school was small. yadayadayada...we graduate, he goes to brock for a bit...he doesn't like it..decides to go to philippines for basketball. I told him, "You know you are gonna act and model". He was like, "no man"...
He also came to my house for my bday with Mike Cuev and Richard Young, my other good friends from high school. We had a very memorable game of H.O.R.S.E.
Anyways, this dude stopped in his basketball effort, and I think a lot of people thought he could do well acting and modelling. So he did. I actually posted pictures from his mossimo contest, but he didn't like it that much.
There's tons more, but maybe you'll meet him and you can ask him yourself. Bustos and Brent are 2 filipinos from my school who have achieved a respectable amount of fame. I'm very proud of them.
The Brent Story
So someone wants to learn more about this guy brent. I'm not sure if he'll like if I said anything about him, but I'll give you a brief overview.
Brent is my boy from high school. The filipino community in my private high school was small. yadayadayada...we graduate, he goes to brock for a bit...he doesn't like it..decides to go to philippines for basketball. I told him, "You know you are gonna act and model". He was like, "no man"...
He also came to my house for my bday with Mike Cuev and Richard Young, my other good friends from high school. We had a very memorable game of H.O.R.S.E.
Anyways, this dude stopped in his basketball effort, and I think a lot of people thought he could do well acting and modelling. So he did. I actually posted pictures from his mossimo contest, but he didn't like it that much.
There's tons more, but maybe you'll meet him and you can ask him yourself. Bustos and Brent are 2 filipinos from my school who have achieved a respectable amount of fame. I'm very proud of them.
Brent is my boy from high school. The filipino community in my private high school was small. yadayadayada...we graduate, he goes to brock for a bit...he doesn't like it..decides to go to philippines for basketball. I told him, "You know you are gonna act and model". He was like, "no man"...
He also came to my house for my bday with Mike Cuev and Richard Young, my other good friends from high school. We had a very memorable game of H.O.R.S.E.
Anyways, this dude stopped in his basketball effort, and I think a lot of people thought he could do well acting and modelling. So he did. I actually posted pictures from his mossimo contest, but he didn't like it that much.
There's tons more, but maybe you'll meet him and you can ask him yourself. Bustos and Brent are 2 filipinos from my school who have achieved a respectable amount of fame. I'm very proud of them.
Thursday, September 11, 2003
Brent Javier
I've read a topic here before about Brent Javier. The guy's doing pretty well here in the Philippines. I'm sure you've heard about him winning the Mossimo Bikini Summit last summer and he has been in print and tv advertisements lately.
Hey Dy, you should write more about the guy, what you know about him, what kind of person he is.
Okay now, have a nice day to all of you.
Hey Dy, you should write more about the guy, what you know about him, what kind of person he is.
Okay now, have a nice day to all of you.
Brent Javier
I've read a topic here before about Brent Javier. The guy's doing pretty well here in the Philippines. I'm sure you've heard about him winning the Mossimo Bikini Summit last summer and he has been in print and tv advertisements lately.
Hey Dy, you should write more about the guy, what you know about him, what kind of person he is.
Okay now, have a nice day to all of you.
Hey Dy, you should write more about the guy, what you know about him, what kind of person he is.
Okay now, have a nice day to all of you.
Wednesday, September 10, 2003
I found a place to live!
I got hooked up with a place close to work for cheap by one of Mikey's fans. How awesome is that?
Fed Hall
Hi Ray.It was great to see you at Fed Hall (hahahaha, of all places) and it was good to hear that you had an amazing time in Europe (lucky you, you got to go somewhere this summer). Good luck with your work term.
my way or the recycle bin
When maintaining other people's code, I have a tendency to change almost everything.
I don't know what to think about that.
I don't know what to think about that.
I found a place to live!
I got hooked up with a place close to work for cheap by one of Mikey's fans. How awesome is that?
Fed Hall
Hi Ray.It was great to see you at Fed Hall (hahahaha, of all places) and it was good to hear that you had an amazing time in Europe (lucky you, you got to go somewhere this summer). Good luck with your work term.
my way or the recycle bin
When maintaining other people's code, I have a tendency to change almost everything.
I don't know what to think about that.
I don't know what to think about that.
Monday, September 8, 2003
What a day! first full day has gone by, it was quite exhausting!!!!! I made my course load consist of a variety of subjects as I am almost done my course requirements. I have seen both the ups and downs of this but hopefully it will all work out.
Also, to all the September babies, I know there's a lot of you out there,,,this is our! So far we've had..Leen, Carla, Mark and Anna...if there's any more of you out there we should all get together and have a crazy party!!!
Today was mark and anna's day, I hope they both had a very Happy Happy Birthday!!!!!!!!!
ray rah, i miss you lotz, i wish you could be at school with me to carry my stuff,,,j/j but you could be pretty useful to stand in all the massive line ups for just about everything at my school, hhhhmmmmmm...can I make you an offer?
Also, to all the September babies, I know there's a lot of you out there,,,this is our! So far we've had..Leen, Carla, Mark and Anna...if there's any more of you out there we should all get together and have a crazy party!!!
Today was mark and anna's day, I hope they both had a very Happy Happy Birthday!!!!!!!!!
ray rah, i miss you lotz, i wish you could be at school with me to carry my stuff,,,j/j but you could be pretty useful to stand in all the massive line ups for just about everything at my school, hhhhmmmmmm...can I make you an offer?
Oh yeah I'm back
Yeah I'm back. I came back on Saturday, chilled out with Dy, went to Jack Astor's with some friends, then chilled again with dy.
I don't really like Jack Astor's. The food is good, but I don't feel the atmosphere.
Geoff did his drop the sign thing that you see on tv. It's hard to explain.
The next day, I went to church then did some last minute prep. Before I left, I dropped off a gift at Carla's, then went to Lawrence's to pick up the keys and sunglasses I left at Bustos' house 2 weeks ago. Lawrence showed me some recent Bustos appearances.
After that, I met up with Dy, Teo, and Leen to move to go to loo. My room is nice. I like it. I think it's my favourite room so far. I couldn't have moved in without the help of those 3. They're so sweet.
Dy bought me a batman shirt. So nice. It adds to my superhero collection. When I wear a superhero shirt, I don't think I'm a superhero. I hope people don't think that. It's the same when I wear a charles barkley basketball jersey. I don't think I'm him. Duh.
Anyways, today at the Student Life Centre, they had a booth of all this superhero gear. Great, now everyone will have one. Ah well. I didn't get any of that stuff.
I will update the europe pics when I get them back on sunday. I have to pick up my fam when they get back. When I left, we had 1204 digital pics. So they should probably have 2000 digi pics. No way I'm uploading all that.
Also, I just wanna say happy bday to mark and anna today. Also, happy belated to alfred yesterday.
I don't really like Jack Astor's. The food is good, but I don't feel the atmosphere.
Geoff did his drop the sign thing that you see on tv. It's hard to explain.
The next day, I went to church then did some last minute prep. Before I left, I dropped off a gift at Carla's, then went to Lawrence's to pick up the keys and sunglasses I left at Bustos' house 2 weeks ago. Lawrence showed me some recent Bustos appearances.
After that, I met up with Dy, Teo, and Leen to move to go to loo. My room is nice. I like it. I think it's my favourite room so far. I couldn't have moved in without the help of those 3. They're so sweet.
Dy bought me a batman shirt. So nice. It adds to my superhero collection. When I wear a superhero shirt, I don't think I'm a superhero. I hope people don't think that. It's the same when I wear a charles barkley basketball jersey. I don't think I'm him. Duh.
Anyways, today at the Student Life Centre, they had a booth of all this superhero gear. Great, now everyone will have one. Ah well. I didn't get any of that stuff.
I will update the europe pics when I get them back on sunday. I have to pick up my fam when they get back. When I left, we had 1204 digital pics. So they should probably have 2000 digi pics. No way I'm uploading all that.
Also, I just wanna say happy bday to mark and anna today. Also, happy belated to alfred yesterday.
Safe and Sound
I'm safe and sound in San Diego. I wanted to get my Car Rental first thing in the morning but there's no one at the rental place to come pick me up yet. I'll either take a cab or I'll wait. Still trying to get in touch with the other Waterloo students there.
thank you
hey, thanks for the gift you dropped off!
my mum loves it!
how was austria uncle ray?
my mum also told me that her party's been postponed till october when her term's over..hope everything's well! love you guys bye!
my mum loves it!
how was austria uncle ray?
my mum also told me that her party's been postponed till october when her term's over..hope everything's well! love you guys bye!
Mark R
Happy Birthday mark rams...this is my in the belly buddy. Our moms knew each other way before we ever met. What a small world! Hope you enjoy you day!!!!!!!!
What a day! first full day has gone by, it was quite exhausting!!!!! I made my course load consist of a variety of subjects as I am almost done my course requirements. I have seen both the ups and downs of this but hopefully it will all work out.
Also, to all the September babies, I know there's a lot of you out there,,,this is our! So far we've had..Leen, Carla, Mark and Anna...if there's any more of you out there we should all get together and have a crazy party!!!
Today was mark and anna's day, I hope they both had a very Happy Happy Birthday!!!!!!!!!
ray rah, i miss you lotz, i wish you could be at school with me to carry my stuff,,,j/j but you could be pretty useful to stand in all the massive line ups for just about everything at my school, hhhhmmmmmm...can I make you an offer?
Also, to all the September babies, I know there's a lot of you out there,,,this is our! So far we've had..Leen, Carla, Mark and Anna...if there's any more of you out there we should all get together and have a crazy party!!!
Today was mark and anna's day, I hope they both had a very Happy Happy Birthday!!!!!!!!!
ray rah, i miss you lotz, i wish you could be at school with me to carry my stuff,,,j/j but you could be pretty useful to stand in all the massive line ups for just about everything at my school, hhhhmmmmmm...can I make you an offer?
Oh yeah I'm back
Yeah I'm back. I came back on Saturday, chilled out with Dy, went to Jack Astor's with some friends, then chilled again with dy.
I don't really like Jack Astor's. The food is good, but I don't feel the atmosphere.
Geoff did his drop the sign thing that you see on tv. It's hard to explain.
The next day, I went to church then did some last minute prep. Before I left, I dropped off a gift at Carla's, then went to Lawrence's to pick up the keys and sunglasses I left at Bustos' house 2 weeks ago. Lawrence showed me some recent Bustos appearances.
After that, I met up with Dy, Teo, and Leen to move to go to loo. My room is nice. I like it. I think it's my favourite room so far. I couldn't have moved in without the help of those 3. They're so sweet.
Dy bought me a batman shirt. So nice. It adds to my superhero collection. When I wear a superhero shirt, I don't think I'm a superhero. I hope people don't think that. It's the same when I wear a charles barkley basketball jersey. I don't think I'm him. Duh.
Anyways, today at the Student Life Centre, they had a booth of all this superhero gear. Great, now everyone will have one. Ah well. I didn't get any of that stuff.
I will update the europe pics when I get them back on sunday. I have to pick up my fam when they get back. When I left, we had 1204 digital pics. So they should probably have 2000 digi pics. No way I'm uploading all that.
Also, I just wanna say happy bday to mark and anna today. Also, happy belated to alfred yesterday.
I don't really like Jack Astor's. The food is good, but I don't feel the atmosphere.
Geoff did his drop the sign thing that you see on tv. It's hard to explain.
The next day, I went to church then did some last minute prep. Before I left, I dropped off a gift at Carla's, then went to Lawrence's to pick up the keys and sunglasses I left at Bustos' house 2 weeks ago. Lawrence showed me some recent Bustos appearances.
After that, I met up with Dy, Teo, and Leen to move to go to loo. My room is nice. I like it. I think it's my favourite room so far. I couldn't have moved in without the help of those 3. They're so sweet.
Dy bought me a batman shirt. So nice. It adds to my superhero collection. When I wear a superhero shirt, I don't think I'm a superhero. I hope people don't think that. It's the same when I wear a charles barkley basketball jersey. I don't think I'm him. Duh.
Anyways, today at the Student Life Centre, they had a booth of all this superhero gear. Great, now everyone will have one. Ah well. I didn't get any of that stuff.
I will update the europe pics when I get them back on sunday. I have to pick up my fam when they get back. When I left, we had 1204 digital pics. So they should probably have 2000 digi pics. No way I'm uploading all that.
Also, I just wanna say happy bday to mark and anna today. Also, happy belated to alfred yesterday.
Safe and Sound
I'm safe and sound in San Diego. I wanted to get my Car Rental first thing in the morning but there's no one at the rental place to come pick me up yet. I'll either take a cab or I'll wait. Still trying to get in touch with the other Waterloo students there.
thank you
hey, thanks for the gift you dropped off!
my mum loves it!
how was austria uncle ray?
my mum also told me that her party's been postponed till october when her term's over..hope everything's well! love you guys bye!
my mum loves it!
how was austria uncle ray?
my mum also told me that her party's been postponed till october when her term's over..hope everything's well! love you guys bye!
Mark R
Happy Birthday mark rams...this is my in the belly buddy. Our moms knew each other way before we ever met. What a small world! Hope you enjoy you day!!!!!!!!
Thursday, September 4, 2003
It looks so....I dunno....European!
I just saw the Italian Job. The first scene is in Venice. You were there right?
It looks so....I dunno....European!
I just saw the Italian Job. The first scene is in Venice. You were there right?
Wednesday, September 3, 2003
My California Adventures Site
Hopefully I won't be disconnected from the net when I arrive in California. Because I now have a new website to supplement (not replace) my current site. So you can still go to my main site for reflections and whatnot ( but I made a new California Adventures site:
I'm too lazy to put a subject
This is just a belated b-day shout for leen... sorry i couldn't make it girl but i know you had a great one! you always know how to have a good time...
and for dy SEE! i posted!
and for ray HI! hope you're having a wonderful trip. bring home a nice tan whitey (j/p)
ok that's it.
and for dy SEE! i posted!
and for ray HI! hope you're having a wonderful trip. bring home a nice tan whitey (j/p)
ok that's it.
For the two people who have used the email journal, I'm sure you can tell that there are a few bugs. hehe.
The script has trouble parsing html emails and also apple emails. I will fix this when I get back.
I'll be returning on saturday. Tempus fugit. This trip has been wonderful and exciting. There have been ups and downs. I might post a couple of pictures today if i am lucky.
i never used a sauna before. it feels so good. This hotel I'm staying in has a sauna, pool, weight room, and ping pong. Right when we got here, I ran to the weight room and pushed some weights, then i literally back flipped into the pool. After 2 weeks of stuffing my face, i felt in need of serious exercise.
I missed 2 birthdays so far: aileen's and carla's. I got them something from here. Shh don't tell.
Someone else's bday is coming soon. I won't say.
i miss all dumbasses.
The script has trouble parsing html emails and also apple emails. I will fix this when I get back.
I'll be returning on saturday. Tempus fugit. This trip has been wonderful and exciting. There have been ups and downs. I might post a couple of pictures today if i am lucky.
i never used a sauna before. it feels so good. This hotel I'm staying in has a sauna, pool, weight room, and ping pong. Right when we got here, I ran to the weight room and pushed some weights, then i literally back flipped into the pool. After 2 weeks of stuffing my face, i felt in need of serious exercise.
I missed 2 birthdays so far: aileen's and carla's. I got them something from here. Shh don't tell.
Someone else's bday is coming soon. I won't say.
i miss all dumbasses.
My California Adventures Site
Hopefully I won't be disconnected from the net when I arrive in California. Because I now have a new website to supplement (not replace) my current site. So you can still go to my main site for reflections and whatnot ( but I made a new California Adventures site:
I'm too lazy to put a subject
This is just a belated b-day shout for leen... sorry i couldn't make it girl but i know you had a great one! you always know how to have a good time...
and for dy SEE! i posted!
and for ray HI! hope you're having a wonderful trip. bring home a nice tan whitey (j/p)
ok that's it.
and for dy SEE! i posted!
and for ray HI! hope you're having a wonderful trip. bring home a nice tan whitey (j/p)
ok that's it.
For the two people who have used the email journal, I'm sure you can tell that there are a few bugs. hehe.
The script has trouble parsing html emails and also apple emails. I will fix this when I get back.
I'll be returning on saturday. Tempus fugit. This trip has been wonderful and exciting. There have been ups and downs. I might post a couple of pictures today if i am lucky.
i never used a sauna before. it feels so good. This hotel I'm staying in has a sauna, pool, weight room, and ping pong. Right when we got here, I ran to the weight room and pushed some weights, then i literally back flipped into the pool. After 2 weeks of stuffing my face, i felt in need of serious exercise.
I missed 2 birthdays so far: aileen's and carla's. I got them something from here. Shh don't tell.
Someone else's bday is coming soon. I won't say.
i miss all dumbasses.
The script has trouble parsing html emails and also apple emails. I will fix this when I get back.
I'll be returning on saturday. Tempus fugit. This trip has been wonderful and exciting. There have been ups and downs. I might post a couple of pictures today if i am lucky.
i never used a sauna before. it feels so good. This hotel I'm staying in has a sauna, pool, weight room, and ping pong. Right when we got here, I ran to the weight room and pushed some weights, then i literally back flipped into the pool. After 2 weeks of stuffing my face, i felt in need of serious exercise.
I missed 2 birthdays so far: aileen's and carla's. I got them something from here. Shh don't tell.
Someone else's bday is coming soon. I won't say.
i miss all dumbasses.
Tuesday, September 2, 2003
thanks again
ray thank you for the little gift you and
miss dy gave me.
i loved it.
i love so much!
it will be put into good use!
ray thank you for the little gift you and
miss dy gave me.
i loved it.
i love so much!
it will be put into good use!
thank you muchly
thank you very much for your greeting there, miss dy. you are not bad yourself. *wink
i do love you guys.
ray, i hope you are enjoying your trip.
we saw venice in a movie.
hope it doesn't look like that.
ha. bring back some nice pictures to look at.
enjoy your time there. smile.
i do love you guys.
ray, i hope you are enjoying your trip.
we saw venice in a movie.
hope it doesn't look like that.
ha. bring back some nice pictures to look at.
enjoy your time there. smile.
thanks again
ray thank you for the little gift you and
miss dy gave me.
i loved it.
i love so much!
it will be put into good use!
ray thank you for the little gift you and
miss dy gave me.
i loved it.
i love so much!
it will be put into good use!
thank you muchly
thank you very much for your greeting there, miss dy. you are not bad yourself. *wink
i do love you guys.
ray, i hope you are enjoying your trip.
we saw venice in a movie.
hope it doesn't look like that.
ha. bring back some nice pictures to look at.
enjoy your time there. smile.
i do love you guys.
ray, i hope you are enjoying your trip.
we saw venice in a movie.
hope it doesn't look like that.
ha. bring back some nice pictures to look at.
enjoy your time there. smile.
Monday, September 1, 2003
Happy 23rd Birthday
I couldn't let this day end without giving a huge shout out to my girl, Leen - Booty! Happy 23rd Birthday Girl!!!! She is the bestest friend in the world! Not only that, she is one of the major supporters of mine and Ray's relationship. She loves us..hee hee. Anyways, true friends are great, especially this girl. Happy 23rd Birthday!!!!
luv ya,
luv ya,
Happy 23rd Birthday
I couldn't let this day end without giving a huge shout out to my girl, Leen - Booty! Happy 23rd Birthday Girl!!!! She is the bestest friend in the world! Not only that, she is one of the major supporters of mine and Ray's relationship. She loves us..hee hee. Anyways, true friends are great, especially this girl. Happy 23rd Birthday!!!!
luv ya,
luv ya,
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