Monday, September 8, 2003

Oh yeah I'm back

Yeah I'm back. I came back on Saturday, chilled out with Dy, went to Jack Astor's with some friends, then chilled again with dy.

I don't really like Jack Astor's. The food is good, but I don't feel the atmosphere.

Geoff did his drop the sign thing that you see on tv. It's hard to explain.

The next day, I went to church then did some last minute prep. Before I left, I dropped off a gift at Carla's, then went to Lawrence's to pick up the keys and sunglasses I left at Bustos' house 2 weeks ago. Lawrence showed me some recent Bustos appearances.

After that, I met up with Dy, Teo, and Leen to move to go to loo. My room is nice. I like it. I think it's my favourite room so far. I couldn't have moved in without the help of those 3. They're so sweet.

Dy bought me a batman shirt. So nice. It adds to my superhero collection. When I wear a superhero shirt, I don't think I'm a superhero. I hope people don't think that. It's the same when I wear a charles barkley basketball jersey. I don't think I'm him. Duh.

Anyways, today at the Student Life Centre, they had a booth of all this superhero gear. Great, now everyone will have one. Ah well. I didn't get any of that stuff.

I will update the europe pics when I get them back on sunday. I have to pick up my fam when they get back. When I left, we had 1204 digital pics. So they should probably have 2000 digi pics. No way I'm uploading all that.

Also, I just wanna say happy bday to mark and anna today. Also, happy belated to alfred yesterday.

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