Wednesday, September 17, 2003

weird dream

I don't have detailed dreams very often, but I had one last night. It was a dream that lasted the whole night. I was in a training program to become a police officer. The training was a one day physical and mental test. It started very early with the physical tests. I excelled in those ones. There was football, basketball, running, some fitness tests, and other regular physical tests.

At the time, I was feeling good about myself because I was one of the best. We then went into a classroom to take a written test. When I started it, I felt totally disabled. I could hardly answer the first question. When I read the questions, I thought to myself that these were easy and I could do this. The questions were pattern matching and some math. I just couldn't do it. The subsequent pages were like comic books, but I just couldn't read it. As people around me finished with ease, I began to panic.

It was a complete struggle and I did not like it. When I woke up, I felt depressed. I could interpret it in a number of ways, but I want to know what you think. So post your thoughts if you can.

Also, we just finished Club days today. It's a time when students sign up for clubs. I'm president of the Hip Hop club, so I was involved. At the end of the day, we got about 150 members! This is not only unbelievable, but also unmanageable. We don't solicit our members. They just come up to us and sign up. wow. I don't know how I'll teach a dance class that huge =))

Don't forget to post your thoughts on my dream. Thanks.

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