Wednesday, September 3, 2003


For the two people who have used the email journal, I'm sure you can tell that there are a few bugs. hehe.

The script has trouble parsing html emails and also apple emails. I will fix this when I get back.

I'll be returning on saturday. Tempus fugit. This trip has been wonderful and exciting. There have been ups and downs. I might post a couple of pictures today if i am lucky.

i never used a sauna before. it feels so good. This hotel I'm staying in has a sauna, pool, weight room, and ping pong. Right when we got here, I ran to the weight room and pushed some weights, then i literally back flipped into the pool. After 2 weeks of stuffing my face, i felt in need of serious exercise.

I missed 2 birthdays so far: aileen's and carla's. I got them something from here. Shh don't tell.

Someone else's bday is coming soon. I won't say.

i miss all dumbasses.

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