Thursday, September 18, 2003

for brent fans

Mossimo contest

It was 22-year-old Ronald Brent Javier who stood out during the presentation of the Mossimo Bikini Summit. The 6?0? tall Brent grew up in Toronto, Canada but both his parents originated from Candeleria, Quezon.

Brent came to Manila last July for a change of scenery. ?I was bored in Canada. When you?ve been in a place for so long you tend to feel stagnant,? he explained.

?I joined this contest because I think it?s the right thing for to me do. It compelled me to keep in shape. I used to weigh 192 lbs. I?ve shaved off 30 lbs. The contest could also help me build my self confidence,? he said.

Of course, Brent is also hoping to start a career in show business. ?I love meeting a lot of people. It?s always very interesting to work with all kinds of people.?

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