Tuesday, February 24, 2004

Ash Wednesday

I sound like a wholly arse in that last post. I didn't mean to come off like that. Sorry LamMan.

Speaking of holy [Bad context switch]

Today is Ash Wednesday. It's an international day of fasting and abstinence. It's officially Lent. So we all have to prepare what we're going to give up for the season.

This is what I'm gonna do. Maybe it will help you decide what you should do.

Mondays: Complete fast (No food)
Fridays: No meat 1 small meal.

Also, one thing I'm going to try to do is stop filling my mind with useless crap and start focusing more on God. This may sound dumb, but it's important to me.

Please remember why we suffer during this season. Suffering for the sake of suffering is very very pointless.

We should all suffer for a purpose. Our purpose should be for God. When something important is taken away from us, we cherish it more and appreciate other aspects of our lives. Similarly, we suffer so that we can appreciate and think about God more.

Thoughts and prayers go out to one of my close friends who has something important going on today.

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