Sunday, February 22, 2004

You could call me collect

I think I am the only one cheap enough to think of this. If I'm wrong, let me know.

In high school, I had a pager. It was a friend's, but he let me use it quite often. If I got a page when I didn't have my cell phone or it was non-free time, I didn't want to waste 25 cents checking my messages.

So this is what I did.

As you know on collect calls from a pay phone, Bell says, "You have a collect call from , do you accept the call?"

It would wait for your response. On my greeting message, I would say "yes" right after the question was asked (I timed it). In effect, I could check my messages for free (How do you charge a pager for a collect call? You can't)

That was a small hack and they eventually caught on to my schemes and each time you try a collect call, Bell will send a "#" or "*" before it asks a question to bypass the greeting.

Try it out. I think they did that because of me.

There's some Raymond trivia for ya!

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