Wednesday, July 31, 2002

Eye Opening

My whole life, I was fully healthy. That's until I got my wisdom teeth out. I had a bad alergic reaction to the antibiotics that's just about cleared up now.

Yesterday, 6:30am, I was entering emergency at a hospital, because I was feeling pretty severe pains in my side for the second morning in a row.

So there I a hospital gown, in the observation room with 17 other aching people. Was I the youngest? NO, there was a baby there. Was I in the worst condition? NO, probably the least.

It did make me feel a little better that there were others sharing in my pain, but I'm not saying that I took comfort in the fact that others were worse off than I was. I thought more generally, about all of the tough situations in my life. You know those situations where you felt GOD had it in for you?

So when I'm in a bad situation, I take comfort in the fact that others who were worse off than I am, have triumphed. I'm talking in general, not about my current situation. I think that's an important point.

It's also interesting to note that there are others worse off than us. That seems obvious, but it's easy to forget that, and it's easy to think selfishly. Everyone has their cross to bear. No matter how heavy your cross is, someone weaker than you carried a heavier cross.

So today, I get X-Rayed, then go to work, then an important practice tonight.

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