Sunday, July 28, 2002

Papal Mass

5AM Wakeup call Sunday Morning. It's time to go to the papal mass. This
is really one of those rare opportunities in life where you have to go.
This is possibly the last time the Pope visits Canada.

Like I said in an earlier entry, it was going to rain and unfortunately,
the weather people were right. We're not prepared, however, since we forgot
all of our ponchos in the van. We have just enough umbrellas, but the
rain is coming down so hard and at an angle that the umbrellas just can't
cover enough. Dylan and I were sitting in one of those fold out chairs
with no umbrella but we had a waterproof blanket that covered most of
our bodies (except our head).

Melissa's (my sister) pants were soaked. I felt bad, but we were all wet.
Anyways, all that is besides the point. We're here celebrating mass with
the pope and like a million other people. We're pretty far from the altar,
but we are relatively in the middle of the crowd.

The Pope! I see him, smaller than an ant, I check the large tv screen
to make sure."You are young, and the Pope is Old", he said during
his homoly. "but I can still relate to your goals and aspirations".
The Pope talked about the sexual harassment problems in the church and
advised not to be discouraged by the failures of a minority. These are
the people whose hearts and faith have died. We should not let our faith
die and should steak our lives to it, just as Jesus did. The pope discussed
fundamental principles, his speech a little slurred, but his heart was
into it. He sat through the whole two and a half hour mass, which he has
not done in a long time. The mass was one of the greats. Those of you
that were there will definitely agree.

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