Monday, July 22, 2002

General Ramble

I recently read some news about new Macromedia technology that sounds
extremely cool. It's server-side stuff that has to do with enhancing web
communication with realtime 2-way video conferencing, flash generation and
all this mumbo jumbo. I'm going to definitely find myself a pirated copy
of the server software and install it on my development server. I'm also
working on some .SHET or .NET stuff, web apps, cold fusion and some other

I'm going to change the look of this site. No more of this stupid 750 pixel
wide content area. That's total crap, and I knew that from the beginning.
Changing it that might mean I may have to remove the background image which
is not necessarily a bad thing.

New survey out! Answer it, it's a basic question.

I saw Karla
today. She's a girl I used to talk to a lot on the phone during
the first stage of my teen life (There are three stages to my teen life).
We talked about the people we h(a/u)ng out with. How they are the same,
different or how they regressed or progressed. Good times.

I set up my webcam to take a picture every fifteen minutes. Don't worry,
nothing dirty, it's just for those few curious people. The webcam will be
placed in various locations in my house. Click
here to view it.

Keon Clark is a freakin UNRESTRICTED FREE AGENT. This is total garbage. If I had the money, I'd pay him and the luxury tax. I'm mad, very mad.

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