Wednesday, July 17, 2002

A Half Decade Ago...

I was three half-decades old. Who would have
known, I wouldn't be talking to Cleo, but yo, that's a whole other issue
you know?

So how did I go from chem and bio to wanting to know everything
about techno-logy. Was it the virtual labotamy that got to me? It's gotta
be the money.

Naw, it's my passion for learning, the same for my darling
of four years. It's here, where I notice my friends negatively change and
say that they're the same old dudes, but you know that claim ain't true.

"Peer pressure, nothin to do", don't give me that lame excuse. The only
one to blame is you. You hate this news, but the truth is saving you from
living wack in shame. I have to say, I can't shed hate, just hope for the
best, and observe the next half decade.

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