Monday, July 29, 2002

My thoughts on Web Design

I have something special for you guys tomorrow. It'll be on the front page. I'll keep my thoughts on web design short.

Here are the basic principles that I look for when browsing/designing a site:

  1. Keep it simple: Those flashy sites with a lot of glitz, glamour are cool to look at once, but they don't have great the staying power, or return value. Also, the user interfaces tend to be complex and it becomes difficult to navigate. I think the best designs are simple. This site is not a great example though, but it's okay

  2. Keep it open: There are a lot of sites that go through great lengths to keep their code and pictures from being viewed or downloaded (by disabling right clicks and crap). Some sites, however, have good reasons such as commercial sites. Others just want to be greedy. The web is supposed to be open. It's a source for knowledge and it's a platform to share resources with everyone. Trying to hide your stuff destroys that concept. Also, there is always some way to download that pic or view the source code. I haven't encountered a site that tried to hide their stuff where I couldn't get it.

  3. Minimize clicks: Ensure that all of the information/media/whatever on your site can be reached with only a few clicks. Too many options confuse and annoy users

  4. Update as much as possible: yesterday is old

  5. Push the envelope: Be unique, don't settle for what's already there. The Stuff you see on the web page isn't always the intersting stuff. What happens on the backend or on the server/database is where all the magic happens.

That's all for now. I'm not claiming to be the master at anything, I'm just giving my two cents because:
Better believe this
Most rappers can't achieve this
I'm bad to the bone
but X-Ray's can't even see this
Whoever's on the microphone
Let it be known
You in danger
I got next like the Boston Strangler

Binary Star

I'm not a rapper, but make the subsitution

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