Tuesday, March 16, 2004

90 hours

You should try to calculate how much work you put in during the weekdays. I'm sure you will be unpleasantly suprised.

// Final Hip Hop days
Today was the last day for Hip Hop practices. I haven't told many people (other than my club) that I'm giving up presidency of the club. I've accomplished all of my goals with the club already and I believe its the right time to let someone take over while I'm still there. The problem is finding someone!

My club and exec have been very appreciative of me and my efforts. I would like to thank them for their dedication to my club and my vision. The club would never run on one wheel.


I wish I was 1000 times more efficient. I wonder though if I was 1000 times more effecient, would I try to do 1000 times more things and still put in the long days and weeks? Probably so, but I wouldn't mind the extra kick.


Just getting by...

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